17. Sin

978 61 66


Joshua jolted awake when he was wildly shook. His slumber coming to an end. He pouted at his sweet dream not getting a satisfying end.

"What?" He grumbled, slumping back on his arms with a groan.

"Stop dozing off dude. We have to get this model ready by Wednesday." Seokmin sighed, looking over the numerous papers scattered across the table.

"We've been in here the whole weekend. I've barely left this library. I think we deserve a break." Joshua rubbed his face in his arms.

"Fine. Let's take a coffee break. Meet me back here around five." Seokmin grabbed the papers to place them in a folder.

Joshua grinned wildly, grabbing his bag to immediately leave and find his friends but not before ruffling the other boy's hair.

He scrambled out of the library, rushing through the student bodies still embracing the college campus. He did want to go to the art studio to refresh himself however he knew he would just end up spending hours in there so decided against it. Minghao and Wonwoo went home for the weekend and Seungcheol had football practice. Joshua decided to pay a visit to the Football ground, might as well watch his best friend play.

The stands weren't much packed except for a few students who had books and some with their friends looking over the ground. He could easily make out the brunette, even from afar. The boy was talking to three other boys, probably discussing about something. He hurried up to the stands, taking a seat on the last row, he spot Jeongguk on the other side of the ground. He figured he played as well as he had his varsity jersey on. He didn't have to wait long or do anything to grab the brunette's attention, Seungcheol had a boyish grin on his face as he waved enthusiastically at Joshua. The blond was quick to wave back with a grin as well.

Soon the boys were huddled over into two teams, probably a practice match was about to commence. It sure was fun watching Seungcheol play with a frown on his face, focused all on the field but he didn't forget to throw a few glances and smiles over to Joshua who felt giddy with the attention.

At half time Joshua decided to look around, it wasn't too warm even though it was deep in the afternoon, the cool winter breeze made his nose appear a slight pink along with his cheeks, low puffs of air left his mouth at each breath. He forgot to get a scarf even when this cold breeze hitting his face was a huge reminder in itself. The sun hitting his skin made him feel warm, that was a good thing considering Joshua's forgetful nature. He smiled softly at the several rays brushing his skin.

The atmosphere was quite peaceful, the chattering was shallow and the traffic sound was practically cancelled out due to the ground being at a far distance from the main road. He looked at the other side, it was basically the same as the stands were hardly filled except for a few. His gaze dragging through the stand only to stop at a certain spot. His eyes squinting to get a better view of whether what he perceived was correct or not, and it certainly was. He swore his breath got caught up in his throat at the sight of none other than the man he was trying to avoid.

Yoon Jeonghan.

He wore a white shirt unlike his usual dark colored attire along with light brown pants, his maroon hair perfectly contrasting his attire as it was held back in a bun. He was laughing and Joshua could swear it made his heart do a back flip in his chest. His eyes crinkling into crescents and mouth wide open, showcasing his perfect teeth as he laughed about something. His honey glazed skin glimmering with the light. He looked young. Younger than usual, as if he was one of the students there.

Joshua's mind was short-circuiting, chanting a 'He's laughing! He's laughing!'

Until of course his gaze landed on the person he was talking to. Professor Kim Yeri. She looked absolutely beautiful in her yellow dress that was partially covered by a light blue coat. But not more than Jeonghan.

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