13. Coffee

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Joshua placed the notebook on the table with a loud bang. He didn't care if the professor threw him startled looks. He needed Jeonghan to know that he's mad at him.

Once the other professor had left after a seemingly 'sweet conversation' with the maroon head, Joshua grew restless. He didn't know what to do with himself. The interaction just made him feel even more upset and he didn't even know why.

"Mr. Hong, are you alr-"

"That doesn't concern you, professor." Joshua was adamant on being petty.

He heard the professor sigh before silence took over once again. He wished the professor would ask him again but how could he forget the professor had no intentions on talking to him and hated his guts. So he pulled out another book to let out his frustration on the poor table.

"What's wrong-"

"I'm sorry, professor but I thought we weren't supposed to interact? Can you just leave me alone? It doesn't matter if there's something wrong."

Well damn. Imagine saying that to your Professor. Can't relate.

"You're behaving like a brat." His tone raised a little bit it still had that stern and cold feel to it. Unlike the one he used with Professor Yeri. Joshua can't believe he was comparing the tones.

"Excuse me? I'm behaving like a brat? You were the one who asked me to stay away and I'm doing exactly that. Why does it concern you if I'm fine or not?" Joshua scoffed, his hands wrapping into a fist as he looked up from his book to face the professor.

"Just because I tolerate your behaviour does not mean you can talk to me like that!"

"Tolerate my behaviour? What have I even done? I just replied to what you said. That's holding a conversation!"

"Always been such a disrespectful brat." The professor tsked, lowering his voice with a disapproving look. That add to Joshua's anger. How dare he call him a disrespectful brat? What had he even done? And he lost it at that. His body tensed up as he felt the heat rise up his body. He used up all his energy to hold himself back from charging towards the professor.

"I can't believe I ever wanted to be civil with you! How could I ever even like yo-"

The door clicked open again and Joshua backed away a little from the table. He was practically leaning up on the surface to place a punch on the professor's face. He mentally thanked the person for saving him from this situation but also kind of disappointed that he couldn't complete the conversation. Or argument. Whatever.

The three new comers could literally feel the tension heavy in the room. They looked between the heaving blond and the frowning professor. The professor looked away from Joshua, shaking his head a little.

Soon enough the four boys and the professor were seated calmly on the table. Chan glancing up at the blond every few seconds, noticing the unfocused and bothered look on his face.

The meeting wasn't long since it was just their first one. They introduced themselves and then discussed a little about if they had any ideas that they would like to do. They decided to think a little more on it and present their own ideas on their next meeting which was in three days. Joshua had zoned out most of the meeting. He didn't even glance up at the professor once. He just felt upset and disappointed. How could the professor call him disrespectful? He should know that he never behaved this way with anyone else except for him. Why? Because he deserved it. Joshua had never been disrespectful. He had been taught to always respect others. But clearly he had his own opinions to. Respect only those who deserve it. The professor started it with his taunts and insults. Joshua wasn't just going to stand and take them in. He did nothing wrong.

Professor YoonWhere stories live. Discover now