24. A date?

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(Fuck Monday, here's an update before that. )

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Jeonghan smiled looking back at the boy as he held his shoulders in place to stop him from turning around.

"But I forgot to lock the door! What if someone saw?" Joshua asked nibbling at his bottom lip, his eyes casted towards the painting on the wall behind Jeonghan's desk.

"No one saw," Jeonghan assured pulling the boy closer to him, "I have to leave in a few minutes." He said pushing away the fringe from Joshua's eyes.

"Oh, right." Joshua nodded. His hands coming up to fiddle with Jeonghan's shirt's buttons.

"When's your next class?"

"In an hour." Joshua looked up at the male.

"You should go then. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Jeonghan smiled lightly, patting the boy's head.

What am i now? A dog?

Joshua scowled, shaking off the hand from his head.

"Yes, see you in class, professor."

"You didn't tell me shit about yesterday." Minghao asked from the aisle beside Joshua's.

"There's nothing to tell." Joshua shrugged, paying more attention to his piece.

"Right. So you totally did not flunk an open gallery day." Minghao eyed him for a few seconds before packing up his brushes.

"I was completing assignments."

"Exactly. Why were you completing assignments that are supposed to be submitted in two weeks?" The red head perched his canvas against the wall.

Well, if Joshua were to truly answer that then he would say he didn't want to leave those things for later. (He hopes to be able to see Jeonghan more if he had more free time on his hands.)

"Because I'm trying to change my 'procrastinating' problems." Joshua sighed, rubbing his coloured fingers against his cheek to get rid of the itch he felt.

"Let's say I believe that," He picked his bag, not bothering to get the strap over his shoulder, "I need to know everything tonight. Till then, I'll go study about some Spanish tragedy." Minghao hit the blond's head a little too hard before leaving the studio, not even bothering to glance back at the scowling man.

Joshua sighed, going back to his painting but somehow he had lost focus. He wasn't able to concentrate on his piece properly and he had his next lecture in an hour. What was he supposed to do?

"I hope it wasn't I who caused that frown."

Joshua gazed up towards the door and to say he was surprised would be an understatement. He was way more than just surprised seeing Jeonghan leaning against the door frame.

"What are you doing here?" Joshua chose to ask.

The professor shrugged, getting off the door as he stepped inside. His strides slow and patterned.

"You have chemistry in an hour." The maroon head stated the obvious.

"I know," Joshua nodded, dipping his paint brush in yellow, "were you here to remind me personally?"

"Not really," Jeonghan stepped in front of his canvas, "Was wondering if you're free after that."

Joshua raised a brow at that, fiddling with the brush in his hand.

"Why? Are you asking me out on a date, professor?" Joshua grinned, leaning forward as he placed both his arms over the aisle.

"Depends," He tipped forward as well, tilting his head as his head reached over the head of the canvas, nearing Joshua's face, "would you be willing?"

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