18. Want me

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"I never ran away." Joshua huffed, pulling away from the close proximity.

"You did. Right after my lectures, yesterday in the meeting room and today from the stands. You ran away." Jeonghan frowned, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What gives you the impression that I ran away from the stands?" Joshua bites back.

"Do you think I cannot perceive what running is? I clearly saw you sprinting out of the grounds." Jeonghan's frown deepened.

Joshua scoffed, shaking his head as he stepped back to leave. That infuriated Jeonghan till some extent. He wasn't one to handle disobedience or bratty behaviour well.

"You're coming with me." Jeonghan held his arm. Blocking his route.

"Says who? I have to meet Seokmin for the physical layover." Joshua tried, attempting to move his arm away.

"I'll let him know that I need your presence." Jeonghan held him tighter. Pulling the blond with him towards the other end of the hallway.

"Professor, you don't get a say in my life." Joshua pulled his arm out of the tight hold with a jerk, immediately moving away to put as much space between them as possible. "I'm busy."

He looked up into those brown orbs looking at him with a never-ending frown. His face rather stern as if he was just about to burst a vein. The professor took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a short period before opening them again with a rather void expression. He poked his tongue against his gums, his jaw apparently clenching. He for sure was holding whatever he was feeling in for so long. Holding back from bursting on Joshua.

"Fine. Leave." Jeonghan growled, his hands folded into a fist on his sides. The maroon head turned around swiftly, leaving without another word.

Joshua did feel guilty but was he guilty enough to follow the professor to wherever he left? No. He turned around as well leaving for the library.

Seokmin gave him a pointed look which soon turned into a confused expression at the blond's angry eyes and fuming look. He didn't say a word, glancing at the blond here and there who was focused way too much on the paper laid in front of him.

Joshua didn't get a blink of sleep that night. He was too angry and confused. At himself and the professor. Minghao's words playing at the back of his mind over and over again. He looked as dead as a fish with his lack of energy and droopy eyes when he made his way to their usual cafeteria table. His friends giving each other looks but not questioning the boy who sat there with his arms folded and head placed on the table.

"Shua, would you like some coffee? I'm going to order." Wonwoo asked, pulling out his wallet.

"Yes please." He groaned. As much as he didn't want it he still had to make it through the day without falling unconscious in some corner of the university.

"Right on it!" Wonwoo left quickly, Minghao asking for a sandwich as well.

And just to his luck, he had chemistry first thing in the morning.

How fun!

Joshua would rather be in his bed at this moment than attend that rude jerk's lecture.

He groaned when he saw the time. He had just a few minutes, sipping on his coffee that Wonwoo got him, he stood up with a curt 'bye, see ya' To his friends, he left. Seungcheol couldn't attend chemistry on Monday and Tuesday as he had to go back to his home. His family had called him for something important. Joshua missed him dearly. It was as if Seungcheol was a severe part of his life that he just can't leave out. Even though they just met not too long ago. Seungcheol was just that loveable.

Professor YoonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum