26. Result

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so joshua might've forgotten about the test- he totally didn't spend his time giggling to himself while thinking about the kiss. yeah-the whole day he ended up getting nothing down with like four hours worth of sleep and two cups of coffee.

so yeah, he's delightfully looking forward to the chemistry lecture. which was fortunately the next one.

he sighed, staring blankly at professor chwe, who was reading something out of a book. looking around he noticed that he might not be the only one being bored right now.

hansol seemed to notice the quietness of the class as well as he sighed and kept the book beside him on the desk. he eyes the bored looks of the students, leaning back completely on his desk.

"you know what? let's talk about something new today. you guys have been working hard the whole semester and deserve a break," he smiled when the students perked up at that, some even sighing in relief at his words. "so, have any of you guys read the fallen stars?"

he did pick up murmurs but none of them seemed to have known the book as no one raised a hand.

"want me to tell you guys what it's about? dont worry though, no spoilers." he grinned as the smiles and eager nods from the students. well some did groan.

"and it's fiction so not really boring as some of you assume it to be." he narrowed his eyes playfully at a certain boy sitting in the third row. "I'm talking about you, seungkwan."

"why only me!?" seungkwan whined, looking around to seek for someone who agreed. which wasn't much help since everyone chuckled lowly along with the professor.

"anyway, so, the story is about two boys," that seemed to catch their attention. "and is a magical fantasy. the first one was the devil himself who had wanted to spice up his 'hell-bound' life and entered the human life to cause havoc and chaos."

a series of oh's could be heard as everyone eagerly waited for him to continue.

"and the other one, he was sent on earth to stop the devil from doing so. that was his mission and he had to complete it no matter what. 'cause if he didn't, he would be banished from the heavens forever and be sent to hell. however, that wasn't all that was in the conditions to his mission...." he paused looking at the students extremely invested in the story. "there was more, a reason that would cause the devil's despair. a condition that would only bring more chaos when the mission get's completed. the heavens or the 'golden gates' as the devil called them, would face the devil's wrath." he said in a grave voice, acting all serious.

now that got the students howling. he's even sure he heard a 'shit just got interesting!' a couple of times. he smiled seeing their enthusiastic reaction.

"and guess what?" he pauses for dramatic effect, making sure all of them were invested in his words, he looked at his watched to check the time, grinning as he knew he was gonna get a hell lot of messages from the students.

"why don't you read and find out? the class is dismissed." he smirked walking back to get his books as he looked at the students going berserk. some even taking out their phones to Google it right away. but most of them whined at him, asking him to continue and one of them was joshua, the peach blond rushed down the steps to get to know more about the book.

"professor chwe-" he whined following him out the door along with a few others who walked behind them. "come on, don't do this to us!"

"well, consider it your homework but something that interests you and doesn't hold a grade." he smiled looking back at the students, "now, I'm sure you all have lectures."

the students groaned but walked away nonetheless. joshua pouted, parting ways with the others. walking all the way to the lecture hall that was their assigned chemistry hall.

Professor YoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora