15. Love

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Jeonghan turned Joshua around so now his back was pressed against the window behind him and Jeonghan in front of him, holding onto one of his elbows while the other hand laid against the window, next to Joshua's head.

Joshua's eyes widened as he gripped the maroon head's shirt to steady himself. He looked into the brown eyes looking back at him. However, this time they didn't hold the usual emotion. They weren't empty instead they were filled something. Something Joshua was too naïve to decipher.

"Stop ignoring me." Jeonghan whispered, leaning closer by pushing all his weight on his arm against the window.

"You wanted that." Joshua whispered back, looking away from the brown eyes swirling under the sunlight.

"Are you upset with me?"

"Why would I be?" Joshua's grip tightened over the shirt. He didn't realize he was still gripping onto it.

"Don't try to avoid the question."

"No, professor, I'm not upset with you." Joshua answered after a short pause. His breath holding into a sigh.

"It seems like that." Oh how desperately Jeonghan wanted to look into those caramel eyes. Joshua avoiding his gaze wasn't helping his restless mind. He left the blond's elbow and reached his hand up to grab Joshua's jaw softly, tilting it towards him to face him.

"I don't know what you want, professor." Joshua closed his eyes, frowning when the grip on his jaw tightened a little, not enough to hurt him. "First you want me to avoid talking to you and now that I'm doing that, you still aren't satisfied. What do you want, Jeo- Professor?"

"Look at me." It was a whisper, yet, it did unimaginable things to Joshua. Something in him begging him to listen to the demand. To oblige to it without any questions and he did. He let himself be vulnerable. He opened his eyes to look back into the hazel ones.

"I don't know. I don't know what I want. But, just, don't ignore me." Jeonghan let go of his jaw and let his hand lay next to his head as well.

"Why? Why does it bother you so much?" What was Joshua prying for? He didn't know. He just felt like asking the questions lingering in his mind.

"It just does. I don't want you to ignore me anymore."

Joshua couldn't help but feel disappointed at the answer even though he didn't know what else he wanted to hear.

"That's not for you to decide." Joshua raised his other hand to grab at the Professor shirt too. Both his hands clutching onto the fabric as he gulped softly. "After all, I'm just a disrespectful brat who does as he pleases."

Joshua pushed at Jeonghan's chest, pushing him away from him. His eyes turned furious when those words played back in his mind.


"Please leave, professor." Joshua shook his head stepping back when the professor advanced a little to hold his hand again.

For a few seconds they just looked at each other in silence, trying to understand what the other was thinking.

Joshua was the first to step back. He turned around, going back to his aisle.

"I take it back."

"What?" He halted from picking his brush.

"Talk to me. Don't ignore me." The voice was low. As if scared to break away what they were holding onto.

"Do you think it works that way?" Joshua scoffed in disbelief. "You think you can just order me to your wishes? Am i supposed to talk whenever you desire and stop talking when you've had enough? Am I something you can use as you please?"

Professor YoonWhere stories live. Discover now