Chapter 23: The Cave

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The top hatch was now fully open, Bodi poked his head out to more snow. His sight shifted across a valley of white, and his emotions translated onto his face to form a stunned gaze, as he saw not only the side of a mountain but snow everywhere! An Omeocoon's worst nightmare— it was freezing, the sun was out, or rather suns. This moon had three of them. This was quadrant four alright, it was known for being extremely bizarre. Bodi slowly exited the ship, there was a good deal of trees around, but they were seasoned by a layer of snow making the area look like a winter wonderland, Bodi was curious as to how the planet it orbited looked. He couldn't even believe that he was wondering what kind of animals were in the area... he couldn't help it, it's what he wanted to do. But right now, he needed to survive, otherwise, he wouldn't be discovering anything.

Fortunately, biology was on his side. He didn't need food, he could go a few more hours without regenerating, but what he did need was warmth and shelter. Because if it started raining, he would die. Bodi climbed slowly, then he slipped... he lost his footing, and screamed in horror as he went on a slip-and-slide through the forest, twists and turns. His body collided with rocks, and branches tore up his jacket, which left certain parts of his body chilly, and he tumbled and landed in a foot of snow. Bodi mumbled in pain and stood up. Pain. He didn't have bones to break, but he did have pain to feel, and he would certainly be bruised, and he could bleed. If someone X-rayed an Omeocoon of Bodi's generation, they would find that they are through-and-through a gelatinous membrane. A full body cavity that is essentially without organs, but filled with this gel that gives them their form, and their shapeshifting abilities. This internal gel is a combination of different enzymes that make up a vital part of an Omeocoon's body. If an Omeocoon were to share a part of their gel as a part of body separation, they actually give an outer piece of their gel. Not the inner-gel. Because it's like donating blood— it requires a needle.

As the life force for the Omeocoon, this can easily be transplanted from one to another if required. Bodi looked at his arm and realized that the universe had blessed him with a deep cut, the pain hadn't quite reached him just yet, because what he saw up ahead was worth his attention much more than some silly cut. A cave! An actual cave! Bodi limped out of fatigue and pain, toward his new shelter.

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