Chapter 29: Catatonia

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"No! Our ship!" Kai shouted angrily, he was reduced to his knees where he pounded his fist against the ground several times as if this moon were able to feel the wrath of his punches. "It's only been a few days... how could it look like this?" Kai continued. Bodi was also astonished, but he was less worried about the ship and more concerned about the crew that could potentially be in the area. "Kai... we should go before things get worse." Too late. Six creatures that looked like birds were approaching them, they waddled along and looked like birds that Bodi could recognize from his own adventures. White and black creatures, on Earth called penguins.

"Are you two insane? What the hell were you thinking flying into Astral Abyss?" The lead bird spoke with a filter of a computerized helmet voice, he wore a space suit, which was the cause of his abnormal accent. Since Kai was staring at the ship with intense emotion. Bodi did the talking. "We're explorers... on a mission looking for a probe. At least that's what my brother told me... he doesn't really give all the details." Bodi looked over his shoulder, he was expecting a clever jab from his brother, but there was nothing. "Is that one alright?" The Leader asked. "We just lost our ship... so. I don't think so." Acting Captain Bodi responded.

One of the other birds came close to the lead Dena'vi and held a scanner, he whispered to the Captain, and the man blinked, shook his head, and sighed, "I'm sorry... but it's about to get a whole lot worse. How long do you think you've been here?" Bodi tilted his head to one end, confused. "What do you mean..?"

"There's no time to talk. I need you to come with us."

"Wait, why? I don't even know you, dude! We aren't going anywhere with you!" Bodi took a step back, to hug his brother, he was quite protective especially since Kai seemed to be disconnected from reality.

"Wait... hear me out, I'm with the Dynamic Patrol."

"Liar! I've seen DP liveries, those are not standard uniforms."

"That's because I'm with a specialized division for endangered species."

"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you. But Omeocoon is not endangered."

"Maybe not from your perspective. But it's been over two years since you went on this 'mission.' This 'probe' you're looking for, it's already been found! Your names are Kai and Bodi, you were presumed missing, we picked up your trail back on Devana, and the dock control said that you filed a flight plan for Quad Four."

"Wait, that doesn't make any sense, how could it have been two years? It's only been a week... maybe two!"

"That's because this moon and its planet orbit a type of anomaly we call a 'skimmer.' Time does not pass normally when you cross its path, and to make it worse, this one has been known to appear and vanish from sensors. Making it impossible to mark with a beacon. As your luck would have it, the damn thing popped up right when you were entering Q4, the moment you passed the event horizon seconds for you became days for the rest of us, and eventually years. You didn't fly past it, you entered it. This is a new record, no vessel has been able to survive entering this anomaly. And if they do, they usually never leave in time."

"You've been looking for us this entire time..?" Bodi asked, he couldn't help but smile just a little bit, it was touching to know that someone was actively searching. 

"Indeed, we accessed your ship's logs. Our primary mission is to locate all endangered species, not just Omeocoon. Captain, Kai."

"No... I'm Bodi, that's Kai."

"Sorry, Captain."

Bodi paid no attention to the instant promotion, "Are you immune to the effects of the time dilation?"

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