Chapter 38: Scorpion

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Narr walked briskly down the hallway, eyeing the crew as she did. She was very much aware that the crew members were all clever actors. It was disheartening. Jessica from engineering? The woman she'd have coffee with every other day, was their friendship pretend? The entire engineering staff? What she couldn't figure out was why she was here. According to the roster, she was the only one here under her true identity, but they didn't know she knew. She presumed her employment was to fulfill some need to keep up appearances; this vessel was listed in the database as an official DP ship, but she wasn't sure who was funding the 'mission.' But whatever the end game was, it was worth a great deal of someone's time and money. She kept her promise to Kai and found out some disturbing things. To her amazement, they had 'borrowed' an engineering access code designed for use by the general engineering crew, but anyone could use it as long as they could put it into the computer console. There was no biometric authentication like she was expecting there to be. The information that she found out was limited but enlightening; there were about 40 individuals locked up in the cargo bay; she'd learned this from the sensors in that area, and she knew that something was wrong immediately— because these sensors had been taken offline and logged as a 'maintenance' request. Using her newfound engineering expertise, she brought the sensors back online.

She was able to decipher this so-called secret. Unfortunately, she couldn't use her codes to access the doors because they were sealed with a level 10 clearance. That was Captain's eyes only. However, she knew two shapeshifters who could squeeze into almost anything. She just hoped that they understood her various messages. She certainly understood what Kai was trying to say via comm. She couldn't risk Yar discovering their plan if there were even one. 

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