Chapter 41: Daedalus

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Narr did a bit more snooping while Kai and Bodi continued to play downstairs. She was accessing the CMO's database. She came across an intriguing file... labeled, 'Daedalus.' Quite poetic. But she couldn't access it. Not conventionally, anyway, just as she was about to try her generic engineering maintenance code. The chief of medical entered unexpectedly; she calculated the speed at which she would deactivate the monitor so as not to appear suspicious. "Narr, what are you still doing here? Your shift ended an hour ago, didn't it?" She stared at him at first, her darting eyes piercing his soul and his eyes since they were of the same species— piercing as well. "Narr?" The man asked again, his voice echoing in her ear canals. Like the acoustics of the room had dramatically shifted. Narr quickly composed herself, offering a carefree smile with her eyes to the Chief of Medical. "Oh, doctor... you know how it is. I just lost track of time going through some reports. You know, always striving for excellence."

The Chief of Medical, a seasoned professional, cast a stern gaze, unconvinced. "Reports, Narr? You're a medical assistant, civilian grade, not an analyst. What kind of reports are so engaging that you forget your shift ended?"

Narr's mind raced for a plausible explanation. "Just incident reports, sir. Trying to identify patterns and improve our protocols. You know how it is, always room for enhancement."

The doctor eyed her for a moment, then sighed. "Well, ensure you're not burning the midnight oil too often." Narr nodded, inwardly relieved. "Of course. I'll head out right away. Just wrapping up here."

As the doctor left, Narr redirected her attention to the elusive file, again reactivating the display to the file 'Daedalus.' The encounter with the Chief of Medical added a layer of urgency to her mission. She needed to uncover the contents of that file. Drawing on her limited engineering access code, she discreetly imputed it into the hidden interface, attempting to bypass the security protocols that guarded the file.

The system responded with a challenge, its digital defenses proving formidable. Narr's beak danced across the holographic interface, a silent battle between her skills and the system's defenses. As she thought she was progressing, an unexpected voice interrupted her concentration. "Access denied, level five security authorization required." The monotonous voice stated unemotionally. "Damn." Narr snarled at the bright red message as it flashed across the screen. "Computer, enter engineering maintenance authorization level one." Perhaps she just needed to enter her code again. The computer trilled and once more repeated its message of denial. Narr looked toward the door. She could only speculate what Kai and Bodi were up to, but the cargo bay seemed to be their first clue. This file was the final piece. She just knew it. If only she could get in.

Frustrated by the level five security block, Narr weighed her options. She knew she couldn't risk raising further suspicion by attempting higher-level authorizations. The mysterious file 'Daedalus' remained elusive, shrouded in secrecy.

Taking a deep breath, Narr decided to consult the ship's staff. Any security officer could get her into the system, provided she could play her best 'I don't know what I'm doing' to the senior officer on duty. After all, she was a civilian— everyone's favorite 'baby doc.' Switching functions, Narr pulled up the communications subroutine and established a link to the security office. It was Bruce on the other end. She could recognize him. After suffering from Kai's wrath, the feline had been discharged from medical a few days ago; the bunny had knocked him around pretty well and given him a concussion, but the bandages were gone. But she could still see a mild lump on the side of his head where Kai lost his temper. She'd assisted in performing that treatment herself and knew she had a bond with this one. It was perfect. The cat's tail perked up, and so did his ears; he'd had a long shift and was eager for any change in the usual schedule.

"Medical Assistant Narr! How can I help you?" Bruce asked. He was cheerful for someone who was faking his job for no reason. Narr still couldn't understand why the entire crew was pretending to be DP. But that file knew. Narr put on her best 'clueless' voice. If she sounded like a turtle struggling to get off its back, her cat friend would no doubt be more sympathetic to her mission. "Good day, Petty Officer. Could you assist me? I'm trying to get into a file that doesn't seem to want to work? I keep typing in my access codes?"

Bruce rubbed his chin and hummed. "What file are you trying to access? Maybe you don't have a high enough clearance."

"Well, see, that's the thing? The doctor asked me to take a look at this file? I need it to finish a report? I don't want him to be upset with me." Bruce scrunched his eyebrows in static thought, "I'm not sure if I can if you don't have security clearance." He shrugged; he felt terrible about saying no to Narr, and she could see that.

"Oh, and how's your head, by the way? I hope those painkillers are helping. I'm sure Lieutenant Nyla— the security chief- is pleased to see you up on your feet." That caught Bruce by surprise. To him, it was a simple welfare check, but he knew subconsciously that she was telling him, 'You owe me, and you know it. I'm cashing in on my favor.' Narr was always too caring; she'd allowed people extra time if they were in pain; she was a therapist, a friend, and an essential member of this crew. 

Bruce hesitated momentarily, caught off guard by Narr's mention of the chief of security. He ran a hand through his fur, a nervous gesture. "Uh, yeah, the head's getting better, thanks. And about that file... well, I suppose I could help you just this once. But keep it on the down-low, okay?"

Narr brought her wings together in gratitude, maintaining her 'clueless' demeanor. "Oh, thank you so much, Petty Officer Bruce. I really appreciate it. The file's called 'Daedalus.' The doctor said it's related to some medical reports, but I can't seem to crack it."

Bruce paused as if he could already recognize the name because he probably did. Nonetheless, he nodded, his eyes narrowing as he accessed the ship's security protocols. "Alright, let me see what I can do." He skillfully maneuvered through the system remotely, his expertise apparent. After a few moments, he grinned. "There you go, Narr. Access granted."

The holographic display flickered as the computer accepted Bruce's codes, revealing the contents of the enigmatic file. Narr's eyes widened as she scrolled through the information. It was a complex web of genetic research, experimental procedures, and classified medical data. The implications were staggering, all of it relating... to Omeocoon? 

Bruce, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, beamed with satisfaction. "I'm glad I could help. And oh! I'm super happy that they finally told you about Narcit... it's much easier knowing we don't have to hide anything from you or the other contracted workers. I assume they know as well?"

Narr paused. She was quick to think of a lie. "Y—yeah! They know. I'm happy as well... this is the final step." Narr replied, maintaining her facade of gratitude. Bruce was oblivious and thought that Narr was now a part of this 'acting gig.' As Bruce disconnected, she pondered the newfound revelations and the need for caution in navigating the tangled web of secrets onboard the ship.

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