Chapter 48

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix and Nox

"Ready... Go!"

Phoenix jumped into the air as soon as the ref began the game but Razor's devil just jumped onto its side of the court. Phoenix narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the devil.

"You can make the first move," Razor said graciously.

Phoenix just scoffed before hitting the ball into Goreinu hands.

"You sound quite confident," the gorilla summoner said. "Here's a little greeting, then!"

Everyone watched as Goreinu threw the ball at the devil with the number four on his chest and hat. The ball slammed into the devil's chest and fell to the ground, earning their team the first point of the game.

"You got him!" Killua cheered.

"Nice!" Phoenix grinned.

"Yes! That's one down!" Goreinu cheered.

The number four devil made its way to their side of the court and stood on the outside as Goreinu's gorilla threw the ball back to him.

"Good! Let's keep this up," Goreinu said confidently before throwing the ball at the number 5 devil, hitting it in the face, getting it out as well. The gorilla returned the ball to Goreinu again.

Phoenix noticed Razor bending down a bit and focused her attention on him, he was the real threat and he needed to be watched.

"Okay, all ready to go..." Razor said, confirming Phoenix's suspicions that he was going to get serious about the game.

"Huh? What did you say?" Goreinu asked confused.

"I'm prepared to defeat you now," Razor said as if was obvious.

"Heh, that's funny," Goreinu mocked.

"Don't get cocky!" Phoenix warned the man but was ignored as he started to gather his nen around the ball in his hand.

"Show us what you've got!" Goreinu yelled throwing the ball at Razor as hard as he could.

Razor wasn't fazed and caught the ball one handed, shocking everyone on the team.

Phoenix gritted her teeth; this wasn't going to be as easy as they had thought. The girl bent her knees, getting ready for whatever Razor was going to throw at them, she knew that she had to be ready or she would be out before the game had really begun.

"Right, then..." Razor said. "Time to launch the counterattack." His nen took a purple colour as it covered the ball, getting ready to throw the ball.

Phoenix watched shocked as the ball flew at a speed she wasn't expecting, heading straight toward a stunned Goreinu. She knew that if the ball hit the man he would be down for the count, maybe even dead if he didn't snap out of it and use his nen to defend himself. Just as Phoenix was about to move to push the man out of the way he was suddenly swapped places with his white gorilla whose head exploded when the ball connected with it. Everyone gasped as the gorilla fell back before disappearing in a pale blue light.

"Nice rebound," Razor said as he caught the ball that had bounced back to him.

Everyone turned to see Goreinu kneeling behind Razor, panting. No one had been expecting him to be able to exchange places with the gorilla's he summoned. Phoenix was once again, impressed with the mans nen ability, it truly was amazing.

"Goreinu's outside the court!" Killua said shocked.

"I see..." Razor mused. "You have the ability to change places with your nen beasts."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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