Chapter 40 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix and Nox

It took two more day for Phoenix, Killua and Gon to finally break through the final rock formation that they had to dig through. Once the boys had learnt shu, the process went much quicker but it still took them two days to finally finish.

"All right!" Killua shouted proudly once they were out of the tunnel, "We made it!"

"Good work!" Gon yelled just as proudly. The boys raised their shovels over their heads as Phoenix laughed next to them. "I think we've gone five kilometres today," Gon muttered once the three had calmed down a little.

"At first, I thought it would take years, but at this pace... Masadora!" the fluffy haired teen yelled facing toward the city in the distance.

"Take two," Phoenix grinned from next to Killua.

"Okay! Let's return to the starting point now," Bisky said pointing back the way they came with Nox letting out a tiny roar at all the excitement going on around him.

"Again?!" the boys cried in dismay, but Phoenix only giggled, ready for the next step in their training.

It only took the four about five minutes to run back to the starting line where the three teens stood facing Bisky waiting to know what the next thing they had to do was.

"Next, we'll work on obtaining monster cards. You have requisite physical strength to defeat every enemy here. What you lack is the ability to come up with a plan of attack as you fight. In other words, the ability to strategize," the blonde explained.

Phoenix couldn't help but agree with the older woman, she was able to make quick plans in the middle of a fight to keep herself alive but they usually weren't very good and she could only think about herself in fights and not everyone around her. Usually, she would have to distance herself to come up with a plan of action, but she couldn't do that in every fight, most of her opportunities won't give her the chance.

"The ability to..." Gon started.

"Strategize..." Killua finished.

"I'm not going to say a single word, so devise your own plans to defeat the monsters," Bisky instructed.

The first one up was Phoenix; she was going against the black fuzz ball that was too quick for the three before. The reason that Phoenix wanted to go against the fuzzball was because she wanted to see just how much faster she had become over the past few months, never really having the chance to test her abilities since her training with Netero-sensei.

Phoenix and the fuzzball were just blurs that Killua and Gon were trying hard to follow while Bisky was grinning at the girl's potential, she knew that the younger girl might become the strongest student she had ever taught, and she couldn't wait to see just how strong she will become once she had been properly polished and shined.

It was almost a game of cat and mouse for the first few moments before Phoenix snapped her hand out and caught the fuzzball's tail when it jumped off a rock and tried to jump away but Phoenix had better reflexes and was able to snatch it out of the air, turning it into a card.

The boys both cheered for her before the three went to find the next opponent which was the giant purple lizard that chased them before. Killua was the once to defeat the lizard. Finally, Gon was going against the bubble horse where he had to continuously change his nen from ten to zetsu, but he was able to catch the bubble horse quickly. The whole time Nox was either cheering from Killua's shoulder or Phoenix's.

"Okay, we'll now begin to work on your defence," Bisky told them once they were finished congratulating Gon on getting the Bubble horse card. Bisky covered herself in nen before focusing it all into her fist making the rest of her body in a state of zetsu. Nox was sitting down on a rock a few meters to the side so he wouldn't get hurt accidently.

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