Chapter 38 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix and Nox

Phoenix stood with Nox on her shoulder in between Killua, who had a slight bruise on his cheek from being punched by the blonde earlier, and Gon as they faced Biscuit, curious about what she was going to tell them.

"I'm not big on formalities, so call me Bisky. In return, you must obey every word of what I teach you," Bisky instructed.

Of course, it was Killua who rejected the idea immediately, "No way. And no, thanks." Phoenix could understand where her boyfriend was coming from because honestly, she didn't like being told what to do, especially by someone she just met. "We're not desperate enough to beg a total stranger to train us! Say something Phoenix, Gon," the fluffy haired teen said turning to the two.

"We have Wing-san," was what Gon said.

"I have Netero-sensei," Phoenix put in since she didn't share the same teacher as the two boys, the statement earned her a surprised look from the older woman who had no idea that the Chairman even had a student.

"Right, right," Killua nodded smugly. "We already have our own masters, and we don't need anyone else to teach us."

Phoenix didn't agree with that, there are so many strong people in the world that they could learn a lot from, and she was sure they could learn a lot from Bisky, it's just the way she was saying that she was going to train them without giving the three a choice in the matter was what was holding her back.

"Wing?" Bisky asked knowingly. "You mean that little boy with messy hair and glasses? The one that never tucks in his shirt?"

"Do you know him?" Gon asked, surprised that she knew who Killua and his master was.

"Do I know him? Wing's one of my students," Bisky said simply with her hands on her hips. "And everyone knows who the Chairman is," she said directing the statement at Phoenix.

"That's awesome!" Gon exclaimed.

"So, he's become a master now..." Bisky said, thinking about Wing, "Time really flies, huh?"

Phoenix was starting to feel a little lost, having never met Killua and Gon's master before and now to have met the man's master was a little awkward for the toxic eyed teen. Nox, having sensed that his mother was getting uncomfortable let out a quiet purring noise to try and calm her down. Phoenix smiled at her thoughtful dragon and gave him a scratch under the chin as thanks.

"Does that mean you three are pro Hunters?" Bisky asked them, making sure to include Phoenix since although she wasn't taught nen by her student she was still taught by the Chairman himself.

"Oh, just me and Phoenix," Gon said as Killua pointed at the two with his thumb.

"You've both passed the secret exam?" The blonde then asked.

"Yep!" Phoenix and Gon answered together.

"That really takes me back... Well, I'm essentially the two boy's master's master, so you shouldn't have any problems with me teaching you," Bisky smiled.

Phoenix looked at the two boys and shrugged her shoulders. She would go along with what the boys wanted to do since this was technically their master's master. Phoenix frowned slightly for a moment as she thought about her own master, she hadn't spoken to him since he left her to train on her own once she learnt everything that he had taught her, and now she kind of missed the crazy old man. Maybe it was time to call and check in.

"Wow!" exclaimed Gon, impressed once Bisky told them about the time she was an examiner for the Hunter Exams. "You've been an examiner!"

"Assuming that she's telling the truth," Killua said with some doubt in his voice.

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