Chapter 25 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

The three friends were currently sitting in a small dark room with only a few candles to light the room. The three were being guarded by Nobu who seated himself in front of the door, the only exit in the room.

Phoenix was holding onto Gon's injured hand, wrapping it in a piece of her tank top that she had ripped off.

"Ow..." Gon winced as his friend tied the make shift bandage.

"Sorry," Phoenix whispered before standing up and moving to the side of the room where she leaned against the wall.

Looking at her friends she frowned sadly, she couldn't protect them when they needed her. If only she was stronger than they wouldn't be in here right now.

Phoenix looked at Killua when he jerked his head upwards a small bit. His sapphire blue eyes had a haunted look in them that seemed to dull the vibrant colour Phoenix liked so much. She wondered what was wrong with him.

"You're wrong!" he suddenly shouted standing up making everyone jump. Phoenix quickly tensed up and looked at Nobu when she realised that Killua's aura was surrounding him a deep blue mist.

Nobu make a noise of amusement as he also stood up and got ready to draw his sword. "Scary..." he mused staring at Killua's glare. "You look like you want to kill me. Let me warn you first," he said as he activated his own aura, "Step into my range and I'll cut you down."

Phoenix didn't take her eyes off of the swordsman until she heard Gon call out to Killua. Looking over she took a step forward when she realised that Killua was walking forward. Just as the young girl was about to step in Killua snapped out of whatever he was thinking and walked back over to Gon, Phoenix let out a breathe a sigh of relief.

She watched as he walked over to the wall and punched it, leaving a fist size hole with cracks surrounding it, before sitting down again.

Phoenix only relaxed when Nobu sat back down. Looking around the room she tried to think of a way to get out. There weren't any windows in the room and the only exit was being guarded by Nobu.

Looking at the hole Killua made in the wall she tried to think of something that would help them.

Roughly an hour went by as the four sat in a tension filled silence. Gon was the one to break it. "Is Leorio okay?" he asked his friends curious. "I hope he was about to find Zepile-san. Killua, are you okay?" he asked when he noticed him shaking.

"Yeah," was all he said with a dull voice.

Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows at the boy's tone, not liking the defeat that she heard in it. Pushing off the wall she moved so she was sitting in between the boys. Reaching over she took his clasped hands and threated her fingers in between his, trying to show him her support. She didn't even think about her actions, it just felt natural that she would support him this way.

"Hey, Zepile-san taught us wielding, exposing... what else was there?" Gon asked looking at the two holding hands. He didn't say anything about it for now.

"I forgot," Killua said quietly squeezing Phoenix's hand.

"It was side-stepping," Phoenix told Gon before jerking her head up a lot like Killua had done earlier, she gained everyone's attention doing on, even Killua's who hadn't looked up from the floor since he sat down.

Standing up Phoenix let go of Killua's hand, noting absently how cold and empty her hand was. Turning around so she was facing the back wall she stared intently at the hole again before looking at Gon determinedly.

Just as she was going to hint at her plan Killua spoke first, "Gon, Phoenix. I'll act as a decoy. Use that chance to escape."

Phoenix frowned at the boy while Gon looked at his crossly, "What are you talking about?"

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