Chapter 19 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Jumping into the air Phoenix landed in a crouch before jumping to the side in a roll. Moving quickly, she ducked under the leg that was aiming to kick her head. Quickly pushing her Nen into her fist but making sure that the rest of her body was also cover, she punched her hand towards the side that was open but her opponent moved away.

Watching as the Chairman jumped away from her, Phoenix panted as sweat dripped down her face to the floor.

The chairman had been very pleased with her Hatsu training when instead of just making the leaf smoke she set it on fire, it wasn't a small fire either it filled the top of the glass completely and was at least a foot tall. Now he was training her one using Ko, an advance version of Gyo, he thought that if his student can get a hang on using Ko the using Gyo would be easier. So far, he's been correct, even since the two started on Ko training Phoenix has been improving her Gyo rapidly.

Standing up straight Netero nodded at Phoenix to tell her they can take a break now. He watched as the girl flopped to the ground on her back ungracefully making him chuckle to himself.

"Once you've had a break and caught your breath, we'll be going back to your Hatsu training. You are going to be developing your Hatsu ability," The Chairman spoke as he walked over to his student and stood above her.

Phoenix looked a little confused before sitting up and looking at her teacher. "My Hatsu ability?" she asked.

The chairman nodded as he sat crossed legged in front of his student. "Every user of Nen has a Nen ability. A Nen ability is kind of like a tree, you have the roots which is something you are connected with in some way, for example I know someone who's base ability is smoke, his name is Morel. Next is the trunk, using your connection to create your base ability, Morel uses smoke as his Nen ability as a manipulator, but he can't just change his aura into smoke like a transmuter would be able to, so he uses a large pipe that can create smoke which he then controls with his Nen. And finally, you have the branches, the techniques you create using your base ability," he explained.

"So, if his roots and trunk are smoke then his branches are the attacks, he has created using smoke?" Phoenix asked a little confused.

Netero nodded please with his student, "That's correct. Now the two of us are going to be finding your roots. It can be anything that your feel a connection with, whether a painful one or a happy one. Your abilities can be used for offence, defence and protection or you can focus on one thing." When Phoenix nodded in understanding he continued with his lesson, "I want you to think about what you feel connected with when you think of your own nen abilities."

"Fire," Phoenix said without even taking a second to think about it. "Not just any fire though, dragon fire. Ever since I learnt of my nen type all I've been able to think about is the knife I took in the third phase of the hunter's exam. I don't know why I feel a really deep connect to it, or more like the aura around it," Phoenix said stumbling over her words, hoping her sensei understood what she was talking about.

"I was expecting this... It's time I tell you the reason why I wanted to train you Phoenix-chan," The chairman said seriously making Phoenix's back straighten. "When I questioned you before the final phase, do you remember what you told me about your knife?" he asked.

Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows as she brought her knife out of her boot and held it in front of her still sheathed. "That whenever I unsheathe it, it purrs. You told me there was a legend that is said about my blade, what is it?" She asked.

Netero stroked his beard for a second before sighed. "The legend is the reason I am training you. It is said that years ago before Hunter's were even thought of, that dragons ruled the skies and land. There were thousands and they were ruled by a single dragon, a king. The name of the dragon king has never been discovered but it is said that he was stronger than any dragon that had ever been born, apart from his younger brother who is said to hold the same strength as the king. The king had fire as blue as sapphires, while his brother's fire was as green as emeralds and the two had the strength of ten dragons. All loved the king for he was fair and kind to all his subjects but there was one who was jealous of the king and all that he had. The king's younger brother. The younger brother wanted to rule, for all to love him so he rose in rebellion and attacked his older brother. The two fought for many days and many nights but they were evenly match. It wasn't until on the brink of death the king used the last of his power, of his fire and sealed his brother away forever. But there was a price, for one to use so much power there are consequences, dire consequences, the king was sealed away just as his brother was. The younger brother was turned to stone for all of eternity while the king's body disintegrated but his soul remained and took host in a dagger waiting for the one who will take over his power and rule the dragons like he once had," the chairman explained.

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