Chapter 23 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Gon, Killua, and Phoenix left the pawn store with everything that they had won at the market with the bushy eyebrowed stranger following close behind them.

"Oh, so you're Zepile," Killua stated as they all walked together.

"Thanks, Zepile-san," Gon said gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me," the older male replied. "Consider it give and take. Twenty percent sounds fair."

Phoenix raised where eyebrow at that. "Twenty percent of what exactly?" she asked a little suspicious.

"My cut when you sell the treasure," was the males reply.

Phoenix glared at the man but Killua was the one who answered. "What? You're going to rob us?" he exclaimed annoyed.

"That's uncalled for. It's my fee for providing advice," Zepile explained.

"I don't see the problem. He helped us back there," Gon said trying to calm his two ticked off friends.

"Now, look here... we need to collect as much Jenny as we possibly can. I might be willing to buy him lunch," Killua proclaimed.

"Plus, we never even asked for any of his help, so he's actually scamming us," Phoenix said gently to Gon, knowing that he was a little naïve when it came to this kind of stuff.

"Scamming?" Zepile whispered before chuckling sheepishly and letting it go. "Really? Well, I'll settle for lunch," he said much to the threes surprise.

So, with that the four went to a nearby restaurant where they all got lunch but Zepile got what seemed to be one of everything much to Killua and Phoenix's annoyance.

"So, Zepile-san... I feel bad, so we'll pay you a fee," Gon offered from his seat next to Zepile.

"There you go again," Killua said annoyed while Phoenix sighed from her seat next to the white-haired boy.

"Nah, it really is okay. In return, just tell me something. What tipped you off to bid on these items?" Zepile asked.

Gon looked over at his two friends across from him a little unsure if he should tell Zepile about Nen or not. "Is it okay to tell him the truth?" he asked.

"Well, it beats paying him," Killua commented with the toxic green-eyed girl nodding her agreement, plus they don't have to tell him everything about nen just the basics.

Together the three explained the basics of what nen is to the male. He seemed shocked that a power like that even existed in the first place but he believed them surprisingly.

"I see, Nen aura... if you're telling the truth, that explains why you bought the statue, not realising something was hidden inside," Zepile said mostly to himself. "So, why do you need money so badly?" he asked then.

"We can answer that question, but not for free," Phoenix said before the boys had a chance. She was rewrapping the egg into her scarf to check to see if it was still okay and warm enough for now.

"Afterwards, you have to answer our question," Killua continued on for the now distanced girl, to be honest he was wandering where she had even got that egg and what it was.

"Sure, that's fine," Zepile answered happily.

"There's an item we want to buy at the auction. That's why we need money," Killua answered the question from before.

"Oh, which item are you interested in?" the adult asked then.

"It's our turn now," Killua declared not answering the question at all. "You estimated that this treasure was worth 300 million, right? Could we receive that much at the trade market?"

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