Chapter 11 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Twenty-six applicants passed the Third Phase and were now waiting outside of Trick Tower to find out what they were going to do for the Fourth Phase.

Standing in front of everyone was a short man with a purple Mohawk with a pair of wire glasses, standing before them with his hands behind his back. He was either the judge for the Third Phase or he was going to be the judge for the Fourth Phase.

"Ladies and gentlemen congratulations on having escaped Trick Tower," the purple haired man addressed everyone. "Only the Fourth Phase and the Final Phase remain."

"Two more..." Hanzo echoed.

The purple haired man pointed behind him at an island that they could see in the distance. "The Fourth Phase will take place over there, on Zevil Island. Let us procced," he said before snapping his fingers and another man came over pulling a cart with a box sitting on top, "I will need you to draw lots."

This caused everyone to start muttering to themselves.

"Lots?" A few asked.

The purple haired man just smirked evilly at them all. "To determine who will hunt and who will be hunted. In here are twenty-six numbered cards," he said loudly as he gestured to the box next to him. "In other words, your ID numbers are on the cards. Now I need each to draw a card, in the order by which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?" he asked.

As he finished talking Hisoka was the one to step forward to get his card.

'It's not that surprising...' Phoenix thought to herself when she noticed peoples shocked faces.

Looking closer at the pink haired clown the black-haired girl saw the cut on his waist and the one on his shoulder that had dried blood on the tear.

Once he had chosen his card the next person went to get theirs, which was the guy with a bunch of needles in his face. It went the same until it was finally Phoenix's turn, going up she stuck her hand in and picked one of the last few cards left before pulling it out. It was blank on one side and red on the other. Shrugging the black-haired girl gave a sweet smile to the two men before going to re-join her friends again.

As Kurapika was going to get his card Gon turned to Killua just as Phoenix came to stand on the white-haired boy's right side. "Hey Killua," the puppy like teen said, "he said something about hunting and being hunted. Does that mean we'll be fighting each other?" he asked innocently.

Killua smirked a little as he turned back to the front. "Yeah, probably," he declared confidently before going to get his card while whistling a low tone.

"What do you think Phoenix?" Gon asked the young girl.

"Since he said something about ID numbers then it has to do with our badges," Phoenix hypothesised.

The boy hummed in thought before going to go get his card just as Killua joined them balancing his card on his finger.

"Show off," Phoenix whispered to him playfully. Killua just gave her a cat like grin.

Once every had a card the purple haired man called for everyone's attention again. "Everyone's taken a card?" He asked. "Then, remove the seal for your card."

Everyone did as they were told. Phoenix got #89, she had no idea who that was.

"The card indicates your target," the man continued. At that statement almost everyone quickly hid their badges, Phoenix wasn't one of them. "This box has recorded which card each of you drew. This means you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal your target's ID tag," he said imitating a few people.

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