Chapter 28 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

"No," Killua said shooting Gon's idea down instantly.

"Huh? Why not? You were the one who wanted to capture the Phantom Troupe," Gon argued his plan to go after the spiders.

Phoenix stood in between the boys but a bit to the side so she wasn't in the middle of the conversation. She was a lot calmer now that she made up with Kurapika and that he knows that Killua and herself are together.

"It'd be pointless now," Killua replied.

"But why?" Gon asked not understanding the point.

"It would be a too big of risk, Gon. With the reward money being withdrawn then the point of going after them becomes pointless for us," Phoenix explained to the confused boy.

"Yeah, but capturing the Phantom Troupe would be worth it!" Gon argues trying to get his two friends to see his point of view.

Killua gained an annoyed look on his face as he leaned closer to Gon with his finger in his face. Phoenix stepped forward slightly just in case things got a little out of hand. "You're getting your priories mixed up. Have you forgotten why we're here?" the silver haired boy said.

"Greed Island," Gon answered with a slightly sheepish look on his face, it was clear that he had actually forgotten.

"Exactly!" Killua confirmed.

"The Southern Piece auction starts in two days," Phoenix told the boys being the only one in their trio to have read about all the times and dates that the different auctions were going to happen on.

Killua nodded his agreement with his girlfriend's statement, "We need to build up out war chest!"

"Actually, I have a great plan to get the game," Gon explained.

"What's your plan?" both Killua and Phoenix asked at the same time making them blush slightly.

"It's a secret right now!" Gon said happily.

Phoenix didn't even bother trying to stop the ex-assassin as he pulled their black-haired friend into a tight head lock. "Stop being coy and spit it out..." Killua shouted as Gon tapped his arm continuously trying to get Killua to let him go.

"You're strangling me! I'm going to die," Gon managed to choke out making Phoenix giggled to herself.

Once Killua let the boy go and he got his breath back he tried to explain his reasons to his friends, "Anyway, I'll work something out for the game. So, for now, let's stick to the troupe."

"Do you really have a plan?" Killua asked sceptically.

Phoenix looked at Gon curious about his answer. "Yep, but it's not guaranteed to work," he admitted.

"How likely is it to work?" Phoenix asked curiously.

"Huh?" Gon asked confused.

"What percentage do you think your plan has of working?" Killua explained for the girl.

Gon took a moment to think before answering a little unsurely, "Seventy percent."

"Seventy?" Killua asked shocked at the high number while Phoenix looked at Gon surprised that he even came up with a plan with that high of a success rate.

"M-maybe more like sixty," Gon said second guessing himself.

It was silent for a moment as Killua took in the new information before looking at Gon seriously. "Okay, have it your way. I'll let you handle the game. But we can't deal with the troupe alone. We only move if Kurapika helps us," said Killua.

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