Chapter 17 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

It's been 4 days since Phoenix separated from her friends, she was currently in a taxi on her way to the Hunters Hotel. The road was clear unlike when she and her friends were going to go and rescue Killua.

The young girl was on her phone that she had bought back in the town near Killua's house so she could keep in contact with her friends, although since Gon didn't have a phone, he was going to share with Killua whenever she called to see how they are.

At the moment she was browsing the internet, reading an article by someone name Kite about the tiger species 'Camp Tiger'. Apparently, the Camp Tiger has the appearance of a normal tiger but they have a long, sharp and narrow horn attached to their head which they use to cook raw meat over a fire.

'How fascinating. I would love to see a Camp Tiger myself one day and I wouldn't mind meeting this Kite-san as well,' Phoenix thought to herself after she finished reading the article.

It was at that moment the taxi stopped in front of the hunter's hotel. After paying the driver Phoenix hopped out the car with her backpack before making her way into the lobby. She walking up to the receptionist who had short blonde hair and dressed in a grey uniform.

"Excuse me," Phoenix spoke loud enough to get her attention and when the lady turned to her with a soft smile she continued. "I'm looking for Chairman Netero, he asked me to meet him here."

The receptionist didn't say anything for a moment but observed the young girl in front of her before nodding. "You must be Phoenix-san," she said girl. "The Chairman left this note for you," she said handing the young girl the written note addressed to her.

Taking the note Phoenix unfolded it and started to read the neat handwriting, 'Dear Phoenix-chan, to begin your training you must find me in the forest that is a mile away from the Hunter's Hotel to the north. We will be training in the forest so bring what you will need. Signed Chairman Netero P.S. To find me use all of your senses not just sight.' Once Phoenix finished reading the letter she sighed as her head dropped little.

The receptionist giggled slightly at the young girl's disgruntled expression. "He can be a bit of a hand full the best of times. If there is anything I can help with, please don't be shy," she said sweetly.

Phoenix gave the blonde a small smile back. "What would I need to bring if I was the travel to the forest North of here and train for six months?" Phoenix asked.

The blond thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "I have just the things, I'll be back in a moment," she said before slipping into the back room where she came out five minutes later with a hiking pack for the young girl that looked to be full of supplies. "The Chairman left this for me to give to you when you got here. It has food, water, some clothes and a few other things you might need," she said giving the pack to Phoenix. She opened it to see just enough room left to put in her own bag so she wouldn't have to carry both her bag and the pack on her back.

Looking up at the blonde with a grateful face she bowed. "Thank you so much for your help... um..." Phoenix trailed off realizing that she didn't know the blonde's name.

"Oh, silly me my name is Shaylin," she said with a sweet giggle.

"Thank you, Shaylin, I must be going. Don't want to keep the Chairman waiting any longer," Phoenix waved as she pulled the backpack onto her back before walking out of the lobby with Shaylin waving after her

Getting to the forest was easy but trying to find the Chairman was close to impossible! Phoenix had been looking all over for him all day and it was now sunset. Looking high and low and she couldn't find him. She never knew it was going to be so hard to find one person.

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