Chapter 41 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix and Nox

Standing off to the side Phoenix, Killua, Nox and Bisky were watching Gon get ready to show them his nen ability now that he figured it out. He stood in front of a large boulder with his right fist cocked back and cradled with his left.

"First comes rock!" Gon started to chant as his nen spiked and surrounded his right fist, "Rock... Paper...Rock!"

The brown eyed teen threw his fist forward with enough nen surrounding it that it took on a yellow tint. Phoenix grinned when the boulder shattered from Gon's punch, proud of how far her friend had come with his nen training.

Next to her Killua made an impressed noise, "I see," was all Bisky said. Phoenix gave Gon a thumbs up as Nox flapped his little wings in excitement.

"Here comes the next one!" Gon confidently stated as he got into the same stance as before calling out, "First comes rock! Rock... Paper...Paper!"

Instead of punching Gon pushed his hand out as if to strike someone with his palm but the yellow tinted nen did not leave his hand, leaving a very dissatisfied feeling inside Phoenix.

"Bisky, how do I make my nen fly?" he then asked looking at their teacher with a dopey look on his face, making Phoenix face palm and Killua to deadpan to the boy, Nox just sighed out a small breath of ash.

"Train more," Bisky said immediately.

"So paper is an Emitter technique?" Killua asked curiously.

Phoenix hummed to herself thinking of what other attacks Gon had thought of and what category they were.

"Uh-huh," Gon answered as he made a scissors with his fingers. "And scissors is a Transmuter technique. I wanna be able to cut through rock."

"So, it'll be like a sword made of your nen?" Phoenix asked trying to imagine what that would look like. Gon nodded happy that Phoenix understood what he was thinking with his attack.

Bisky nodded from beside Phoenix, "I understand. That's a reasonable fighting technique."

"You know how it takes time to focus nen into my fist? I was trying to think of a good way to spend that time. And when you were talking about rock-paper-scissors, it hit me. Because I like rock-paper-scissors," Gon explained to the three.

'This boy is so simple minded...' Tarkar said to Phoenix in her mind making her smile to herself and silently agree with the dragon.

"Trusting your instincts is important," Bisky said impressed. "Your gut plays a big role in techniques that require multiple nen categories. The key is that it should feel right to you."

"Ahem..." Killua coughed to get everyone's attention, Phoenix knew that he wanted to show off his nen now that Gon has.

Once the sapphire eyed teen was sure he had everyone's attention he took a few steps back and let his electric nen come to life between his two index fingers before separating his hands a bit and letting pulses of electricity fly between his hands. Bisky and Gon looked shocked at Killua's hatsu while Phoenix was smiling proudly at her boyfriend making a soft blush appear on his cheeks.

"Well, this is all I can manage right now, but if I charge up, it's pretty strong," he explained to the two. Phoenix already knew, since she was the one to help him get this far with his Hatus.

"That's awesome, Killua!" exclaimed Gon. "You're like an electric eel!" He said making Phoenix giggle as she went over to join the two boys as Nox hopped onto Killua's shoulder.

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