Chapter 9 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

Entering the new room, the first thing that Phoenix saw was the other person covered in a cloak on the opposite side of the room. The room itself was quite large, it was completely round with candles in the wall where missing stones would be, creating a space for the candles to sit. Behind the cloaked person was the door to the next room.

'Looks like I'll need to fight my way out of this room,' Phoenix thought to herself.

"My opponent has arrived, remove the shackles," a deep voice called out before the shackles on the prisoner's wrist automatically unlocked and dropped to the ground. The person tore their cloak off reviling the unknown person to be a man.

Throwing the cloak behind him Phoenix finally got a proper look at him. He had ash grey hair that fell in lazy curls around his face and reached the nape of his neck. His sickly yellow eyes were slitted like a snake. He was rather slim and reached at least 6'2" to her 4'5" a good foot and a bit taller than her. He looked like he was around his mid-twenties. His clothes were just plain brown rags that all the prisoners were made to wear. He looked innocent, giving her a bright smile but the air around him screamed danger.

"Allow me to explain, young lady," Lippo's voice suddenly spoke through the thick tension that had been begin to rise in the room. "Before you is a prisoner from Trick Tower. The Hunter Exam Committee has also officially hired them as examiners. You will be fighting against him to pass to the next room. You must agree on a method of fighting. There will be no draws. The winner is declared when the opponent admits defeat or dies. However, the fight won't as simple as winning or losing. The prisoner's sentence will be reduced by one year, for every hour they delay you here. In other words, his goal is also to buy as much time as he can," Lippo finished.

Phoenix's opponent bowed to her. "My name is Hades, it's nice to meet you my lady," the prisoner, Hades, introduced himself.

The green-eyed girl bowed slightly in return, never taking her eyes off of her opponent in case he attacked her suddenly. "My name is Phoenix. I'm not sure it's nice to meet you, Nightmare Hades," Phoenix spoke in a casual tone, as if discussing the weather.

Hades gave a cheerful laugh that bounced off the walls off the large empty room. "So, you know who I am? That's great, I didn't think such a cute little girl, like yourself, would know who I am. I'm honoured," he beamed.

Phoenix just looked bored as she answered, "Yes well, you were only caught two years ago. You're a serial killer, you only go after young girls but you didn't kill them until you tortured them to the point that they broke and went insane. Their ages could be anywhere from ten to twenty and because of that I doubt you'll want anything but a death match."

Hades gave a chuckle that wasn't cheerful and would have sent chills down a lesser person's spine. Phoenix only raised an eyebrow at him. "You are correct my lady," Hades suddenly gave an insane grin to Phoenix. "I can't wait to break you!"

The two stared at each other for a second before they both ran at each other. The two began to exchange blows. Phoenix quickly realised that Hades was using a striking motion with his hands, as if they were snakes. Making sure not to let him strike her, Phoenix weaved around his hands, pushing them aside if she couldn't dodge.

One of Hades strikes managed to get through her defensives and he would have hit her right shoulder if she didn't drop to the floor onto her side. Turning onto her stomach she balanced herself on her hands as she kicked out, getting him straight in the middle of his stomach. The force of her kick sent him flying a few meters away landing painfully on his back with a grunt, the breath being knocked out of him.

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