Chapter 21 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

The four friends were currently on the streets a few blocks away from their hotel room. Leorio planned to have an arm-wrestling street completion where Gon will be the one to do all the arm wrestling while Phoenix supervised.

"Come on down!" Leorio announced to everyone who was walking past, a few stopped and came over to listen surprisingly. "Let's have some conditional auctioning fun! Here's what's up for bid!" He pointed to Killua who was holding a box that held a large diamond. "A diamond worth three million. Comes with the appraisal of the store where I just bought it. Arm wrestling will decide the winning bid. The first person to beat this boy wins the diamond. You must pay 10,000 Jenny entry fee. Now let's start the auction!" he shouted to the excited crowd.

Straight away men started to yell out that they wanted to have a go at the auction. Phoenix was pleasantly surprised with how well Leorio's plan was working, she thought that it might take a while to get things started.

Gon's first opponent was a tanned muscular man. Gon won easily, the four knew he could have won within seconds but they needed to make this stunt look real or else they'd be in trouble.

Once the first man lost, he went off muttering about losing to a kid. The auction went late into the night. Phoenix was getting really bored so she decided to text Kurapika again to see if he'd answer her, she didn't bother to call because if he did get a job he might get into trouble if he was caught on the phone to her.

P: Hey Kura, where are you? Haven't heard from you all day and starting to get worried.

Phoenix was surprised when her phone went off a few minutes later. She quickly went to her messages and was happy to see that it was from Kurapika.

K: Sorry I haven't been able to answer Nix, I've been busy. I got a job as a body guard for a someone who is going to be participating in the auction. I don't think I'll be able to see you until the auction is finished but I'll try and get some time off to come see you all.

Phoenix smiled to herself before going over to Killua and showing him the message.

"Told you," he said smirking at the girl who shoved him with her shoulder gently, making him chuckle to himself before joining her as she went back to leaning against the wall.

The two just watch the auction in silence, both bored and wanting to just go back to the hotel but they knew that they needed to stay here to help gather the money they needed for Greed Island.

Both of them straightened up slightly when a short black-haired girl came forward to compete for the diamond.

"Well, we have our first female challenger!" Leorio announced to the large crowd who started to called out their encouragement to the girl.

Phoenix rolled her eyes as Leorio tried to flirt with her but was only ignored.

The girl bowed to Gon which surprised him. "Let's have a fair contest," she said kindly.

Gon bowed back to the girl. "Oh, yes," he said before the two started to arm wrestle.

Straight away Phoenix knew that Gon really was struggling this time. Stepping forward she stood a few steps behind Gon to get a better view of what was going to happen.

Finally, Gon was finally able to pin the girl's hand down after a struggle. Phoenix went over to Gon and put her hand on his shoulder to check he was okay, when he nodded that he was, she looked up as the girl stood up after thanking Gon for the match and disappearing into the crowd. Phoenix didn't take her eyes off of the girl as she stopped in front of a group who seemed to be her friends.

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