Our Echo!

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Usually Kelly isn't someone to portray herself with negative emotions. She tries to remain as positive as she could at times when things were hard.

But if anything in the world could anger her more, it is someone being late to a scheduled event. Especially one such as important as this.

To give some context, Kelly, just like her other peers,  is seeking to becoming a Pokémon Trainer and today was the day they would receive their first ever Pokémon.

All of them were informed well about the event and eagerly waited for it to come. The day was finally here, it was. But one specific thirteen year old was taking their time to the Professor's Lab, leaving them waiting for at least 43 minutes and counting.

Just when Kelly was thinking about speaking out, someone else did.

"Professor, can we just get on with it already? It's obvious he won't be coming anytime soon."

"Yeah! Even Kelly has gone quite and you know how she is!"

Kelly risked a glance at the person speaking only to make eye contact with them. She quickly pretended to be looking somewhere else to avoid an explanation.

Seems like his crush was still there.

Professor Sycamore's face displayed obvious conflict,"I really wanted to do it with all of you here..."

He sighed softly and his eyes that were shining in excitement a minute ago dimmed. Then as if that moment was fake, his eyes were bright again and his smile was blinding,"Anyway! Everyone, right this way please. It's time for your first Pokémon."

He led them around through his lab, to a room in the west wing. Kelly analyzed the room inconspicuously,"Is this where you raise the starters, Professor?"

Sycamore blinked, stunned for a moment,"Ah-Yes, this is where they were raised." He faced them fully, this time with his hands full. They held a tray with six different poké balls.

"They haven't set foot outside this lab before so their very first time would be with you."

Kelly rose a brow and that but quickly fixed her expression in any case of being caught.

The children lined up in front of him, ready to begin.

He smiled down at them almost fondly,"As a professor, it is an honor to entrust you with your very first Pokémon—a partner—that will share your triumphs and trials. May this-"

"Just hurry it up Professor,"the boy put his hands on his hips,"We've waited long enough don't you think?"

Professor Sycamore sighed once again, defeated,"I suppose."

He took out the third poké ball and gave it to Kelly.

"I'm certain this one will fit you nicely."

Kelly took it politely and made her way to the side.

Opening up the poké ball only took the push of a button and out popped her Pokémon.

The small brown creature yawned cutely as it came out. When it realized it someone was in front of it, it looked up at Kelly with wide eyes.

She crouched down to its level,"Hey Eevee. I'm Kelly your new trainer. Nice to meet you."

She held out a hand and Eevee placed a paw in it and they shook hands. Kelly smiled at the the display of intelligence.

"I'm gonna put you back in your poké ball ok? Just for a while."

Eevee nodded and Kelly recalled it.

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