Rocking Our Second Badge!

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Kelly was once again on the road to Cyllage City. When she received a call from the Professor.

"It's time for your first mission Kelly."

Kelly stood straighter and paused in her walking,"Yes Professor?"

"There's a pokeball in Cyllage City that needs to be investigated. For some reason it can't be scanned and won't move through our systems either. I want you to deliver it safely to Kurt a pokeball master who will be waiting for you in Geosenge Town."

"Geosenge Town, got it Professor."

The Professor waved,"Good luck."


It'd taken Kelly two days to reach Cyllage City. And she immediately went to the Pokémon Center. To both heal her Pokémon and pick up the mission pokeball.

She had several other business here in Cyllage City. First, was her gym battle, second, a livestream which she promised to her viewers and lastly, a Pokémon contest.

Pokémon Contest were pretty similar but at the same time completely different to what Kelly did as an idol. Contests didn't involve singing or music at all but rather is using your Pokémon's moves to show of you and your Pokémon. Still she never bothered trying to participate in them despite the Professor's insistence on trying.

He gave her a Contest Pass anyway and begged her to at least try saying that it would at least give her more exposure to promote herself as an idol. That convinced Kelly to at least give it a try.

She decided to go with Echo as her partner and came up with several combos to fit the performance. Kelly could only hope it would do.

For now she went to the Cyllage City Gym. She had a battle to get to.


Gym Leader Grant seemed shocked,"You got up here quite fast."

Kelly wasn't even panting at climbing up the rock wall, neither was Ember.

"I train myself along with my Pokémon." She shrugged,"Plus I dance. So I've got a lot of stamina."

Grant grinned,"I like your spark."


"This match is an official gym battle between the Cyllage Gym Leader Grant and the Challenger Kelly from Luminous City. The challenger is allowed to use all their Pokémon available while the Gym Leader Grant is only allowed to use two. No substitutions is allowed for the Gym Leader but will be allowed for the challenger. Battle Begin!"

"Go Onix!"

"Come on out, Echo!"

Grant tilted his head with folded arms,"A Sylveon? Viola said you beat here with a Lombre."

Kelly just smiled,"I didn't expect Viola to rat out my secrets."

Grant shrugged,"Trust me, she didn't say much about you. That's why I gotta find out myself. Onix, Rock Tomb!"

Onix roared and became surrounded in a white glow. Rocks appeared of nowhere and were fired at Echo.


With swift movements, Echo dodged every one of the large boulders.


"Flash Cannon!"

Both moves clashed.

"Onix, Rock Tomb again!"

"Jump up on the boulders Echo!"

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