The Ankle-Biter!

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Kelly finally arrived in Lumious City. And Palermo was there to greet her.

She introduced the stage Kelly would be performing at to her and even told her she would be performing six songs throughout the night.

After getting more details on the show, Kelly left to visit the Professor's Lab. As promised she transferred Zapdos to the Lab.

He was glad to be able to gather valuable data on the legendary.

As for Kelly, she went to practicing more for the performance. People were already talking about Palermo's supposedly new mentee and was excited to meet her. Kelly was nervous about all the talk.

Then came the day she was to perform.


The grand stage was adorned with a stunning backdrop that resembled a starlit galaxy, with countless twinkling lights creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The audience waited in eager anticipation as a sense of wonder filled the air.

From the wings of the stage emerged Kelly, her presence commanding the attention of all. She was joined by Echo, her Sylveon, whose ribbons shimmered in the soft stage lighting. Ember, the Blaziken, entered with an air of fiery grace, its fiery plumage a dazzling contrast to the dark backdrop. Brio, the Ludicolo, swayed onto the stage, its joyful energy infectious and its leafy sombrero adding a playful touch.

Spark, the Pachirisu, darted in with a burst of energy, its lightning-shaped tail sparking with electricity. Serenade, the Dragonite, floated into the scene, its serene grace creating an air of magic.

The music began, a symphony of enchanting melodies that filled the night. Kelly's voice, rich and expressive, intertwined with the music as she began to sing. Her lyrics wove a story of unity, the beauty of the night sky, and the enduring spirit of her journey. Her Pokémon, each with their unique qualities, added their own flair to the performance.

Echo's ribbons flowed with elegance, creating captivating patterns in the air. Ember's flames leaped in harmony with the rhythm, adding fiery brilliance to the stage. Brio's dance embodied the playful spirit of the night, and Spark's acrobatics added an electrifying dimension to the performance.

Serenade's presence brought a sense of serenity to the stage, as it suddenly burst into a whirlwind of twirls that created a brief blizzard of comical proportions.

As the performance reached its crescendo, all of Kelly's Pokémon joined in a united display of unity and joy. Echo's ribbons intertwined with Ember's flames, Brio danced in harmony with Spark's acrobatics, and Serenade's wings created a playful whirlwind that enveloped the stage.

With the final note of the song, the stage was bathed in a radiant light, the audience's applause echoing through the night. Kelly and her Pokémon took their bows, their bond and their artistry celebrated by an audience that had been captivated by the enchanting performance.

The memory of this dazzling show would linger in the hearts of all who had witnessed it, a testament to the beauty of unity and the harmony that could be achieved through the shared artistry of Trainer and Pokémon.

Everyone was talking about the concert and Kelly racked up views like haywire. Liko had created a channel talking about Kelly called All_about_Kelly.

"Kelly's performance showcases her deep bond with all her Pokémon. Through song, dance, and each Pokémon's unique abilities, they create an enchanting and memorable experience that celebrates unity and the magic of their journey together."

Kelly blushed as she overheard Liko on someone's phone endlessly praising her. She tugged the hat she was wearing down some more and ducked passed the person.


Palermo had told her that she would put on a surprise busking performance for the people the next day and Kelly wanted to get some time to practice for it.

"Ok guys let's run through it one more time okay?"

The Pokémon all responded with enthusiastic cheers and got into their positions.

As they were  practicing, a yelp from the right caught their attention. And there was a Kirlia on the ground by the bushes, holding its ankle.

Kelly ran over to it, her Pokémon following her. "Are you alright?"

The Kirlia looked up at her unsurely then removed her hand to show a glaringly red ankle. Kelly winced.

"Oh ok. Can I have a look at it? I promise it'll be quick. Sparky, get my bag for me?"

Sparky saluted and ran off. He returned a few seconds later carrying her bag. Kelly took it gratefully. "Thanks."

She took out some Potions and began spraying the wound. Then she bandaged it carefully. "There. All better."

The Kirlia looked at the ankle and shifted it around a bit, wincing in pain when it throbbed angrily from the movement.

"How did you hurt your ankle anyways?" Kelly wondered aloud.

Then a voice pierced her mind. "I was trying to dance."

Kelly gasped and looked at the Kirlia in shock,"That was you?"

The Kirlia nodded shyly.

Kelly smiled softly. "That's amazing that you can do that."

"You don't think it's weird?"

Kelly shook her head furiously,"Not at all!"

The Kirlia blushed and ducked its head and the area became silent.

"You said you were trying to learn how to dance right? You were trying to do that from watching us?"

The Kirlia nodded.

"I wasn't very successful though. Learning to dance is hard. Too many moves and twirls. Not good at spinning. I get dizzy."

Kelly smiled,"But you want to learn?"

The Kirlia nodded again.

Kelly smiled wider,"Then I think I can help you with that."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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