A Treasure So Close Yet So Farfetch'd!

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Kelly was nearing Geosenge Town. She had only a few more miles to walk when she saw a Farfetch'd crying by the road.

Why does everyone I meet have to be crying?

She approached the Farfetch'd.


The Pokémon startled as if it didn't know she was there. Being surprised made it forget about crying.

Kelly looked over the surprised Pokémon then noticed something weird. It didn't have its leek.

"Farfetch'd? Where's your leek?"

The Pokémon jumped up in surprise as she spoke to it then as if registering the question, it looked to its empty wing. Then started crying again.

Kelly tried to comfort it despite knowing in this particular moment it would be inconsolable. The fact that it lost its leek was probably the reason it had been crying.

"How about I help you look for your leek okay? We can retrace your steps."

The Farfetch'd whined a little but eventually nodded.

"So what did you do before coming here?"


Farfetch'd led her to a river where it had drank some water. They look around but still hadn't found the leek. Kelly had to console the duck once more.


Farfetch'd then led her to a Oran berry tree where it had eaten to regain its strength after playing. The leek was not there.


They then went to the clearing where Farfetch'd played with the Pokémon there. They asked around and searched but the leek was nowhere to be seen.

Farfetch'd led her throughout his day but they still couldn't find the leek. Farfetch'd then took her to the first place he'd been. The place he took a nap.

And there was the leek laying there.

Farfetch'd run to the vegetable, crying in joy. It hugged it lovingly, nuzzling it. Kelly smiled down at the bird.

"See! Told you we could find it!"

Farfetch'd cried happily.

In the end, Farfetch'd had its leek promising not to lose it again and Kelly could go back on her trek, satisfied.


Kelly reached Geosenge Town the next day. She was about to head straight to the Pokémon Center and ask for Kurt but was stopped on her way by an old woman.

"Can I speak with you?"


"Why do you intend to become Kalos Queen?"

Kelly blinked and leaned in, not sure if she heard right,"Excuse me?"

The lady, Palermo, narrowed her eyes,"Why do you intend to become Kalos Queen?"

Kelly blinked, then nodded and smiled,"I don't."

Palermo seemed shocked,"What? But I saw you! At the Cyllage City Showcase!"

Kelly laughed and waved her off,"Oh that? I just joined because the Professor requested it. I felt like I owed it to him so I did it. I didn't do because I want to become Kalos Queen, I have no intention of doing so."

Palermo blinked and her body seemed to sag,"Oh..."

Kelly took notice of the lady's downed mood and became worried,"Um...I'm sorry but...Is something the matter?"

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