Ribbons of Love!

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The two made their way into the cave.

"So how is Echo and your other Pokémon?"

Kelly glanced at him out of the corner of her eye,"How do you know about Echo? I never mentioned her."

Jun jumped,"I mean...uh...I...follow...you...on Pokégram."

Kelly smiled,"Ah really? Thank you!"

Jun ducked his head obviously trying to hide his blush. Cute.

"Are you still dreaming of becoming a Pokémon Breeder?"

Jun nodded,"Mmhm! That's the whole reason why I need to go through this cave. I need to get to Ambrette Town so I can help take care of the Pokémon there!"

"Oh, what type of Pokémon?"

Jun held his head,"I think they said something about a Magikarp or maybe a Mudkip...or a..hmm..."

Kelly chuckled,"Don't tell me you don't know?"

Jun turned to her, face skin to a tomato,"Hey, I do know! I just...forgot."

Kelly couldn't hold back her laugh. Roselia hid its giggle behind a rose.

"Roselia! You're supposed to be on my side!"


The two had been in the cave for quite a while.

"So there's Sparky, Brio, Ember and Echo?"

Kelly nodded,"Mmhm."

"And Sparky is a shiny?"


Jun shook his head,"Only you would catch a shiny in such an eccentric way."

The two were about to take the next run as according to the map when the map was snatched out of Kelly's hand. Jim's bag was also taken along with one of Kelly's poké ball from her belt.

All this was stolen in a second and the perpetrator was gone before they had caught sight of them.

Then a mist rolled in.

Reacting instinctively, Kelly held onto Jun before he disappeared.

"I can't see a thing!"

"Just hold onto to me! We can't lose each other in the fog!"

Jun held onto Kelly's hand and she squeezed it once just to make sure.

"We need to clear the fog to find out stuff. Do you have a Pokémon that could do that?"

Jun's voice answered her,"I have a Swablu but my poké ball is in my bag."

Kelly barely withheld her sigh. She looked around uselessly. She couldn't even see her hand sun front of her face.

"Be quiet for a minute."

Kelly closed her eyes.


"Give me a minute Jun."

Jun went quiet and Kelly resumed. After a moment she opened her eyes and started to pull Jun along.

"This way."

"Wait Kelly. How do you know that?"

"My Pokémon told me."

"Your Pokémon-what?"

A bright blue glow came from Kelly's chest and she stared at it. Another glow similar to it came from the left.

Jun stared at it with with his mouth open,"What?"

Kelly stared,"I'm sure. It's this way."

She pulled him along.

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