Geodude's Confused!

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Kelly finally arrived at Shalour City. She went to the Pokémon Center first as usual to get her Pokémon checked up. While waiting she received a call.


Professor Sycamore had a grim face.

"Kelly, I have a mission for you."

Kelly sat straighter,"Yes?"

"The Shalour City Gym Leader has disappeared."

Kelly's jaw dropped,"What?"

The Professor nodded,"It is not unusual for Korrina to go off somewhere in search of training but when she last said she would be going to the Reflection Cave, she hasn't return for three days now. Your mission is to find Gym Leader Korrina and what caused her disappearance."

Kelly nodded,"Understood."


Kelly made her way back to Reflection Cave immediately after receiving her Pokémon and briefing them of what was happening.


They cave was quiet. And while it was comforting before, now, it just seemed eerie.

Kelly glanced down at the map on her PokéNav. She had marked the places of the cave she had checked already, leaving her with a few more spots.

The more she searched, the more worried she became about finding Korrina.

Then she heard a loud bang. She felt it too as the whole cave shook.

Kelly went towards the sound. Korrina might be there.


Korrina wasn't there.

It was actually two Golems having some sort of battle. She could tell they were fighting over something. Maybe honor?

Only the two Golems were present in this wide space which made it sort of weird. They must've scared the rest of the Pokémon off. The tremors of the battle were excessive.

Kelly watched for a while, ignoring the shaking of the cave. While she was watching, she came to a realization. The Golem weren't fighting for honor.

They were fighting for the title of ruler of this area.

It wasn't uncommon for the strongest and most evolved of a Pokémon group to be appointed as the ruler. But having two Golems made the only way to decide the ruler is to fight.

Kelly thought about how she could handle this. She could stop the fight which would leave them with no ruler and cause chaos to the group, she could also wait for it to play out and have the Pokémon continue to be scared...

Kelly sighed. She had to stop the fight but the group really couldn't go on without a leader. That's when she realized her only option. Convince them to have two leaders.


Kelly discarded the thought immediately.

Then she smiled. Maybe there was a way to decide a leader.


"Hey Golem!"

Both Golem paused in there fighting to look at the human who foolishly interrupted their fight. They growled at her in warning but the girl child didn't seem scared. She only smiled.

"I have a proposition for you."

A proposition? What?

"You're trying to decide who is the leader right?"

Both Golems likes to each other before turning back and nodding.

"But your fighting is scaring off the Pokémon here."

They looked around to see that, yes, the area was completely empty of Pokémon minus themselves.

Kelly put her hands on her hips,"So you need a better way to handle this. And I have a way. You could have a race!"

A race?

As if hearing the question, the girl nodded,"You guys are equally matched in strength so there's no bother trying to find the strongest. So why not the fastest? You're gonna need speed if you're going to protect your friends."

The Golems looked to each other. Why not?


"Ok, so we tracked the course already. You must be able to avoid the obstacles, no crashing into them."

The Golems nodded to show they understood, already posed for the race.

Kelly smiled at their determination,"Ok, go!"

The two immediately went into a Rollout. Kelly ran after them to keep track of their success.

After this, she would look for Korrina.


One of the Golems was sad while other cheered. You could clearly see who was the winner.

Kelly smiled,"Ok, so the leader is decided. The only thing left for you guys to do is find your friends. I've got to find my friend too so we can look together."

The Golems nodded and started to walk away. Kelly looked down to the rock in her palm.

This would come in handy soon.


It didn't take long to check the rest of the areas. Kelly was almost worried they wouldn't find them but was relieved when she saw a blonde haired girl curled up around an injured Lucario.


Korrina looked up in fright,"You! No! Go!"

Kelly blinked in confusion but was surprised when a rock came barreling at her. She didn't even get to scream when Ember burst out of its poké ball to kick it away.

Once it was kicked away, Kelly got to see what the rock truly was. A Geodude.

More Geodude's came out into the light and they all charged to attack her. Combusken kicked and kicked, trying to keep up with the assault.

Just when it looked like he would fall, a blue glow surrounded him. Kelly and the Geodude was blinded for a second by the light. Once it died down, a Blaziken stood in Combusken's placed.

Korrina gasped,"It evolved!"

One of Blaziken's feet was surrounded with fire before he kicked in an arc, battling off the Geodude in one fell swoop.

Kelly yelled,"Stop!"

Everyone looked at her,"Geodude, the Golems stopped fighting. You have your leader."

The Geodude's then took notice of two Golems standing at the entrance to the area. One stood at the front and one at the back. It was evident who was the leader.

The Geodude cheered and went to stand behind their leader who smiled happily.

Kelly went over to Korrina and bent down to her level.

"You ok?"

Korrina looked worried,"I'm fine. But Lucario..."

Kelly smiled comfortingly,"Don't worry. We'll get you guys to the Pokémon Center and Nurse Joy will patch him right up. Come on."

She helped girl stand and she recalled Lucario on Kelly's instruction.

Together, they exited the cave.

Next Episode: 1!2!3! Fight!

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