Summer Camp Begins!

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Kelly left Geosenge Town the very next day to make it a whole day early to the summer camp.


The man turned around in shock,"Wow, Kelly! You're here!"

Kelly nodded,"Yup! I wanted to come earlier to get settled in."

"We'll come on, I'll lead you to your cabin myself."


Kelly was told she was apart of Team Froakie by the Professor. Then he left her to get settled in.

She entered the cabin.


The girl gasped,"Kelly?"

The two girls hugged.

"It's so nice to see you."

"I didn't think you would be here."

Kelly smiled,"I was invited to come."

The two sat together on one of the lower bunk beds.

"What have you been up to?"

Kelly shrugged,"You know just running errands, comforting crying people and performing at showcases."

Amber jumped,"Yeah! I know! I saw that! It was amazing!"

Kelly tilted her head,"Wait, why didn't you participate?"

"I was clearing a few things up with my parents." She smiled,"They weren't approving of it but agreed to give me a chance. I was going to head straight to the next city but stopped here when I got the invitation."

Kelly nodded,"That's good. That they're giving you a chance I mean."


Amber jumped up,"Oh, we have another teammate. I'll have to introduce you two later."


"Hello Trainers! Thank you all for being here. And why are you here? You're here to build an even deeper bond with your Pokémon through your interactions with other trainers. Starting today and throughout the week, I hope you'll have lots of summer camp fun."

He gestured to his left,"And now presenting Nurse Joy. She's opened the Pokémon Center just for us."

Nurse Joy stepped up and bowed,"I'll be happy to care for your Pokémon anytime you need me."

"Wigglytuff,"her assistant Wigglytuff imputed from her side.

Professor Sycamore then gestured to the right,"And here is our food service manager who takes good care of us every year. Madam Catherine."

The woman had her hands on her hips,"My job is to make sure you have delicious meals all week long. I'll be sure to hold true to that."

The Professor took back the stage,"Alright! In our camp, we have a system where each team earns points depending on how the did in each day's activities. First place gets ten points, second placed gets seven points and third place gets four points. The rest of the teams get no points. The goal is to help each other out while competing. The team that earns the most points by the last day will the honor of being inducted on our summer camp hall of fame."

Miss Catherine spoke up,"Please note that the current champion Diantha was inducted into the summer camp back when she was your age."

Amber gasped,"Diantha? That's amazing!"

Jake smiled,"Yeah, we should do our best."

Kelly nodded in agreement.

"Now on our first day, we like to get everyone acquainted through Pokémon battles. It's an annual tradition where no points are awarded. So feel free to challenge any trainer you like."


"Battles Begin!"

The trainer she was battling, Niki, took out a Poké ball.

"Raichu, let's do this."

Kelly smiled,"Ember, you're up!"


After the battles were over, it was time for dinner.

The food provided was great. Amber even felt it could be described as the best thing she ever tasted.

Team Froakie talked and talked during dinner, getting to know each other and coming up with strategies for the future games to come.

Sure they agreed to have fun but Team Froakie wanted to win.


It was in the middle of the night and Kelly was sitting at the port with her Pokémon. She couldn't sleep. It was kind of new and unnerving to sleep with people in the room.

She looked up to the sky and continued stroking Sparky's fur,"The sky sure is beautiful tonight."

"Can't sleep?"

Kelly turned around to see Amber smiling at her,"Yeah."

Amber moved to sit beside her and swung her feet over the still water,"Whachya thinking about?"

Kelly smiled,"My parents."

Amber remained quiet and Kelly suddenly felt the need to speak.

"You know, when they left, I used to go into the forest to sleep. The noises were comforting."

Her voice went small,"It used to make me think that I'm not alone."

A ribbon wrapped around her wrist and Echo rubbed her head on her arm with a concerned look.

The silence stretched on only for a short moment before Kelly felt a hand around her shoulder.

Amber was smiling at her,"But now you're not alone, Kelly. And you're gonna be ok. We all are."

She stood up and held out a hand,"Now come to bed. We're gonna need the energy if we're gonna kick everyone's butt tomorrow."

Kelly laughed and grabbed her hand.

Next Episode: The Harmony Of People And Pokémon!

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