A Sparky Attitude!

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It had been three days since Kelly had arrived in Camphrier Town. Taking, Loki's advice, she did a lot of busking during her time here and had quickly gained popularity in the small town.

Liko had helped her form accounts on all sorts of apps and even started her own Pokémon TV channel, MY_K3LLY. Most of the town had already followed including Liko herself.

Today was the day that she would be leaving for Cyllage City. But the citizens were making it hard.

"No, don't leave!"

"We'll miss your performances!"

Kelly chuckled,"You'll get to see them. I'll upload them on PokéTV. But my next gym battle is in Cyllage City, I have to go."

Princess Allie held up a hand,"I'll pay you!"

Kelly waved her finger,"No bribe is gonna stop me Allie."

The little girl pouted.

Liko sighed,"I see we can't stop you. But at least have Rotom video your match for us. Please?"

Kelly sighed and waved a hand,"Sure."

Liko hugged her tightly,"Yay!"

Kelly smiled at her antics,"Ok now I really have to leave."

The townspeople waved goodbye,"Bye Kelly!"

She waved back,"Bye!"


Kelly was minding her business as always when an apple fell on her head. She rubbed it and looked up where it fell from.

Then she saw something surprising. A Pachirisu.

A shiny one at that.

It grinned down at her.

"Oh? A shiny."

Kelly gave it back the Apple by resting it on a branch and went back on her way. Then she got hit in the back with the apple again.

She turned to find the Pachirisu in front of her with an unknown grin on its face.

She took up the apple,"What? You want me to have it? Thanks."

Kelly pocketed the apple and was about to walk about her way but as soon as she turned another apple was in her face.

"Ow! What is it this time?!"

The Pachirisu stood in front of her. She took out a pokeball and it perked up,"You want me to catch you?"

She threw it but the Pokémon dodged. The Pachirisu ran to the left and stopped to look behind it.

"You want me to chase you?" She shook her head once,"I can't."

The Pachirisu fell over with a sigh. Kelly took back her pokeball and started walking again.

When she looked back, the Pachirisu was gone.

She shook her head,"What a weird Pokémon."


"Ok, this might be a stop for a short break."

She laid down here pokeballs,"Ok, come out everyone."

Brio, Echo and Ember all came out.

"Lunch will be ready in a bit so you guys can go and play a little."

The Pokémon nodded and went about their own business. Kelly got out her tools to get started on lunch.

That's when another poké ball opened and out came the Pachirisu she met earlier. It curled up and began to groom its fur.

"What?! Ahh! How did you get there?!"

The Pachirisu glared and her for disturbing it. Kelly grabbed the poké ball it came out of and pressed the button on it. A red light surrounded Pachirisu before breaking.

Kelly sighed in relief. Only to be shocked once more when the Pachirisu just caught itself again.


Kelly released it again only for the same thing to happen. Kelly's Pokémon watched confused on whether to help their trainer or the Pokémon who obviously wanted to be caught. They chose to watch.

After the eleventh time of the situation repeating itself, Kelly sighed.

"I give up."

The Pachirisu puffed its chest proudly.

Kelly smiled at it,"I guess you're going to join us on our journey, Pachirisu."

She took out her Rotom Phone,"Let me at least scan you first."

"Pachirisu. The EleSquirrel Pokémon. An Electric type. It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. This Pachirisu is Male and knows the moves Spark, Rollout, Thundershock, Quick Attack, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Nuzzle and Swift. It has the egg move Rollout which is unlocked."

Kelly gasped,"Unlocked? By yourself?"

Pachirisu was wearing a smirk and Kelly sighed. Smug little...


Kelly and finally reached Connecting Cave. Once she makes it through this, she will reach Cyllage City.

She hadn't expected to meet Jun here.

To explain and give some context, Jun was a long time classmate of Kelly in school. They never really interacted but he somehow developed a crush on her anyways though he never confessed.

If he never confessed then how does she know you ask? Well, some jerks from school ratted him out, even showing a video of him admitting his feelings as proof. Kelly had kept this a secret from the boy as to not embarrass him and instead let the boy confess on his own time or get over his crush.

Anyway, that was Jun.


Jun startled at her voice and looked up. His Roselia stood at his side.

"What are you doing out here?"

Jun seemed embarrassed,"Well I lost my map to the cave inside so I lost my way. I tried to go without but ended up back here."

Jun chuckled sheepishly and his Roselia sighed.

"That isn't good at all."

Jun shrugged,"I always lose things so this isn't a new thing at all."

Kelly chuckled, a bit exasperated,"That isn't a good thing either."

Kelly sighed,"I have a map so you can come with me."


Jun calmed down when Roselia flinched from his shout,"I-I mean...thanks!"

Next Episode: Ribbons Of Love!

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