A New Star In The Sky!

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"Echo, use Swift!"

Eevee flipped into the air and shot the wild Pidgey with a Swift causing it to faint. After it recovered, before it went away, Kelly gave it a berry to thank it for battling them.

These pass few days, Kelly and Echo have been training harshly. Kelly had not bothered to go easy on her Pokémon and came up with rigorous training routines to enhance Echo's performance.

Speaking of performance, they worked out their first official performance routines together with her self written songs, "All I Wanna Do Is Dance Dance Dance" and "Moonlight Serenade".Hopefully, soon they would get a chance to perform it in Santalune City.

"Okay Echo, we're done for today."

Echo flipped to the floor with a heavy pant. In a cute fashion, she rolled over on her back and stretched with a yawn before going to curl up to rest.

Kelly watched this display with a fond smile and took a sip of her water. She was sweating everywhere. Just like how she wasn't easy on her Pokémon, she wasn't easy on herself with training either.

Though it was tiring, Kelly wouldn't settle for anything less.

The two ate and rested a little before resuming their walk. When the sun was beginning to set, just about to go beyond the horizon, Kelly stopped and set up camp.

Dinner and a small rerun of their performance later, the duo headed to bed.


Kelly hadn't expected to wake up to the sound of a dying screech. She shot up out of her sleeping bag, arising Echo in the process.

"What's out there?"

Unzipping the bag slowly, Kelly risked a peek.

A Lombre was moving awkwardly across the grass and let out screeching sounds. For a moment, Kelly wondered if it was calling for help.

Then she realized.

"Is it try to sing?"

Echo watched with her and tilted her head as if wondering the same. Kelly watched the Lombre's movements.

"And is it trying to dance?"

Echo winced,"Vee.."

Kelly had to agree. That wasn't dancing no matter how she looked at it and its singing made her ears bleed.

But she really looked at it for a while.

The Lombre knew its singing was bad. It didn't look proud or happy but simply determined. It wanted to learn how to perform.

That's when Kelly decided and she rushed out of the tent.


The Lombre startled as Kelly suddenly approached it.

"I'm going to teach you how to perform!"


"And a one—and a two—jump! Nice! Now twirl! Great!"

Kelly smiled as Lombre got its move down to a T. They hadn't stopped working since they started and Lombre's hard work was paying off. All it needed from the beginning was a teacher.

"Now Lombre, stop!"

Lombre paused his movements immediately, already adjusted to receiving instructions from the trainer.

Kelly shook her head,"You're amazing."

Lombre's suddenly cried.

Echo backed away in surprise at the sudden onslaught of tears and Kelly chuckled, exasperated.

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