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Kelly finally arrived in Camphrier Town. She didn't go to the town with any expectations but for it to be a small and calm place.

She hadn't expected to be known there. Much less as the Idol from Santalune.

"Idol from Santalune?"

The girl seemed confused,"Are you not the one that performed at the Santalune concert the other day?"

Kelly nodded,"Yes but...-"

The girl patted her arm,"Give me you Gram account. I want to follow you."

Kelly tilted her head,"Gram? Is that an app like Musicmon?"

"Pokégram. Don't you know it?"

Kelly shook her head the girl gasped dramatically.

"Am I really about to introduce you to Pokégram?"

The girl squealed,"Follow me."


"Pokégram is a free, online photo-sharing application."

The girl, Liko, scrolled through the page showing her pictures.

"Pokégram allows users to edit and upload photos and short videos through a mobile app. Users can add a caption to each of their posts and use hashtags and location-based geotags to index these posts and make them searchable by other users within the app. Each post by a user appears on their followers' Pokégram feeds and can also be viewed by the public when tagged using hashtags or geotags. Users also have the option of making their profile private so that only their followers can view their posts."

Kelly nodded, watching as Liko demonstrated each of the features.

"As with other social networking platforms, Pokégram users can like, comment on and bookmark others' posts, as well as send private messages to their friends via the Pokégram Direct feature. The best part about all this is Pokégram can also be used for business."

Kelly turned to her,"Business? How?"

"I'll show you."


After knowing the inner workings of Pokégram, Kelly and Liko got to creating an account for the idol.

_where_s.Kelly was her account name.

As she joined, Liko immediately followed her.

"Now post some stuff. You have photos and videos in your smartphone right? Post them!"


Kelly sounded a bit unsure but did as asked. She posted a video of her Pokémon playing around, chasing and tackling each other.

"That's so cute!",Liko squealed.

As Kelly got immersed in picking the right photos, Liko suddenly through her for a loop.

"So are you performing here in Camphrier Town?"

Kelly actually stumbled a bit from the shock of the question,"I-I don't know. Can I?"

"See you can! It's similar to busking right?"

Kelly thought,"Busking's a bit different though. I like to have the people's permission first so..."

"We'll you just got it. There's a wide space you can perform at near here. I'll gather everyone up so they can see. Is six okay with you?"

Kelly nodded,"Six is fine."

Liko jumped,"Okay! I'll be back later! Good luck with your performance!"

Kelly watched her leave, blinking. Did she just schedule herself for a performance?


The stage was set in a lush, verdant forest glade, where moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a soft and ethereal glow. The audience hushed in anticipation as the gentle strains of a melodious tune filled the air, creating an enchanting ambiance.

From the shadows emerged Kelly, her presence radiating a calm serenity. Beside her floated Echo, her Eevee, its ribbons billowing gracefully like tendrils of stardust. Ember, the Combusken, joined them with a flicker of flames, its fiery aura adding a touch of warmth to the scene. Brio, the Ludicolo, emerged from a nearby pond, the water droplets on its leaves glistening in the moonlight.

Kelly's voice, soft and soothing, intertwined with the music as she began to sing. Her lyrics spoke of unity, the passage of time, and the beauty of nature. Echo's eyes sparkled with emotion, its presence embodying the connection between Trainer and Pokémon. Ember's flames danced in rhythm, a mesmerizing display that captured the audience's attention.

As the performance continued, Brio's movements reflected the ebb and flow of the water, its graceful sways mirroring the gentle current of the pond. Echo's ribbons shimmered with a soft glow, their colors shifting in harmony with the song's emotions. The audience was captivated by the synergy between the three Pokémon and their Trainer.

A poignant moment arrived when Echo gently lowered its costume's ribbons toward Ember, creating an arch of shimmering light. Ember's flames rose to meet the ribbons, creating an otherworldly display of fire and light. Brio's dance intensified, its movements harmonizing with the ethereal scene.

As the music reached its climax, Kelly's voice soared, its power and emotion resonating with the hearts of the audience. The harmonious dance between Echo, Ember, and Brio created a breathtaking finale that left everyone spellbound. The last note hung in the air, and the forest glade seemed to hold its breath.

With the final strains of the music, the stage was bathed in a soft glow, the beauty of the moment lingering like a cherished memory. The audience erupted in heartfelt applause, their applause a testament to the captivating performance they had just witnessed.

Kelly, Echo, Ember, and Brio bowed in unison, their bond and their artistry acknowledged and celebrated. The performance had been a testament to the harmony of nature, the unity of Trainer and Pokémon, and the magic that could be woven through song and movement. As the applause echoed in the night, it was clear that the memory of this enchanting performance would linger in the hearts of all who had been touched by its beauty.

In this scenario, Kelly's "Unity" performance features her Pokémon Echo, Brio, and Ember. Through their graceful movements, radiant flames, and harmonious presence, they create an enchanting and emotional experience that captures the essence of nature's beauty and the deep bond between Trainer and Pokémon.


"You're performance was awesome!"

Kelly bowed,"Thank you!"

Kelly was in high spirits today as her performance yesterday went well.

"Kelly! Kelly Kelly Kelly!"

Liko came running towards her,"You got 46 thousand views!"

Kelly blinked, confused,"What?"

"Your performance. I uploaded it on Pokémon TV and it got forty six thousand views in one day! Isn't that amazing?!"

"It's awesome!"

"Yeah!" Liko scrolled through the comments,"People are asking for more. When your next performance?"

Kelly shrugged,"I don't know. I usually ask permission from the locals first."

"But everyone loves them, they wouldn't complain. Just do it like busking. You could even earn some money."

Kelly hummed, thinking about it.

"I guess I could."

Liko hugged her,"Yes! Let's go!"

Kelly yelled,"Wait, now?!"

Liko laughed brightly,"Yes now! Let's go!"

Liko tugged her along.

Next Episode: A Sparky Attitude!

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