Kalos Power Plant!

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Kelly was just finished editing a food review video for her content channel and was now on the phone with Palermo.

"A concert?"

"Yes",Palermo's voice sounded over the phone.

"Your acting debut got quite a lot of attention and you now have over half a million subscribers. That's a lot of attention to one person. And it's about time we utilized that attention."

"But how am I gonna hold a concert? Where?"

"Let me focus on those details. Just show up in Lumious City in two weeks, ready to perform."

Kelly nodded,"Ok, two weeks, I can be there."

"Perfect. See you soon then."

"Mm. See you."


Kelly was almost half way to Lumious City for her supposed concert. She was nearing the Kalos Power Plant.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Kelly answered the Professor's call.

"Yes, Professor?"

The Professor's voice was light,"I've got a new mission for you Kelly!"

"What kind of mission?"

"I want you to investigate the reason for the weird behavior of electric Pokémon near the Kalos Power Plant."

Kelly nodded,"Okay, I'm near there so it shouldn't be long before I reach."

"Great. Have fun! And good luck!"


Kelly reached the power plant in just a few minutes later. When she neared it, that's when Pachirisu began to act weird.

It couldn't control its electricity and was sparking at random intervals.


Pachirisu looked at itself then at the power plant then, it took off. Kelly immediately chased after it.

"Hey! Sparky! Wait!"

Sparky ran up to the plant and pointed to the door, yelling at Kelly.

Kelly looked at Sparky,"You want me to open that?" She shook her head,"I can't."

Pachirisu dropped his hand, pouting.

"But....Serenade can fly us over."

Pachirisu perked back up.

Kelly had Serenade fly them over. Sparky then continued in its run.

It ran all the way to the back of the power plant and pointed to something. Kelly looked to where it was pointing and couldn't help but gasp.

It was a Zapdos! An injured one too.

Kelly ran up to it and assessed its injuries. It wasn't anything serious but it was still hurt and would need some treatment and rest.

Kelly tried to touch the Pokémon only to be shocked by the electricity surrounding it. She hissed in pain at the burn on her hand. How could she treat Zapdos if she couldn't touch it?

She shook her head and hardened herself. Ignoring the pain, Kelly started to treat Zapdos.


Zapdos blinked open its eyes tiredly. It was surprised when it saw a sleeping human surrounded by Pokémon. The human girl had bandages on her arm and judging by his own injuries have been treated, Zapdos guessed it was his fault.

Zapdos flew into the air and screeched.


Kelly awoke to a loud screech. She and her Pokémon arose, surprised at the sound.

"Oh, Zapdos! You're awake!"

Zapdos screeched again and Kelly furrowed her eyebrows.

"You and Me?"

Zapdos came closer and pointed its beak to her pokeball.

Kelly tilted her head,"You want me to catch you?"

Zapdos drew back and charged up electricity, the action crackling the substance around him.

"Oh! You want to battle me!"

Zapdos nodded.

Kelly shrugged,"Sure."


"Use Dragon Claw!"

Dragonite use Dragon Claw to slash at the electric bird who dodged by a hairs breath.

The sun was beginning to set but they were still battling. Both sides were getting tired and Kelly was sure the match was drawing to a close.

She drew for a poké ball,"Zapdos....I'm gonna catch you!"

Zapdos only screeched in response.

"Serenade, use Hurricane!"

Dragonite roared and poured the remaining of its energy into the Hurricane. The wind blew away the bird, sending it rearing towards the ground.

Kelly threw the poké ball at it before it landed on the hard floor. The contraption sucked the legendary bird into itself and closed.

The poké ball fell on the ground and rolled once...twice....thrice.....and click!

Kelly laughed, a bit crazily. She actually caught it!

"We did it Serenade!"

Serenade roared out to the sky.


Professor Sycamore called her immediately. He wanted to know all the details about why his computer said that she caught a legendary Pokémon. He thought he was hallucinating.

Kelly had laughed, still a bit high on the thrill of the catch and told the Professor everything.

He was even more happy when she told him she would send it to the lab after she reached Lumious City. The Professor was excited about all the data he would collect.

Anyway, after the battle, Kelly had camped out at the power plant for the rest of the day as it had gotten too late and both Zapdos and Serenade needed the rest.

She would reach Lumious a few days later.

Next Episode: The Ankle-Biter!

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