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"Bitch where is the rest of my money!" Before I knew it, there was blood leaking from my nose again as he continued to slap the shit outta me.
"I don't have it ! I told you he took off !"
"So you telling me you let this nigga take off with MY money?!" This time it was a closed fist to my eye and a kick to my ribs. I don't even cry any more. I'm so use these beatings. After a couple kicks, my body goes numb and my mind just drifts away to another place.
"Don't play with me bitch! I'll kill you!" He yelled as he continued to kick me. After ripping off my clothes to find his money he spit directly in my face and walked away.
"Cassie! Are you okay?" Jasmine always came to my rescue.
"Don't touch that bitch, leave that hoe down there!" He yelled. Jasmine got up and walked away. She knew that if she protested her ass would be laying right on side of me. That's why I never tripped when she never came to my defense when he was kicking my ass, but she was always there to pick me up. Jasmine was the only girl I was actually close to here. She got me off the streets, brought me here to Big Ced, and taught me the ropes. She was only three years older than me. She's the closest thing to a best friend that I've had in years. None of the other girls care for me much. When I first came here, I became Big Ced's favorite. I was the youngest and the prettiest girl here. He said my baby face would make him a rich man. Now, after a year, he uses this baby face as his punching bag. He beats all his women, says he don't discriminate he treats all his hoes the same. It's five of us. He makes us all call him Daddy. He puts food in our mouths, clothes on our back, and make sure don't no nigga fuck with us or his money. He was more than a daddy to me than the sperm donor I had. Daddy set up all our appointments. We aren't allowed to have a cellphone because he thinks that we'll set up our own appointments and not run him his money. He ain't play that shit. If he finds money on you, in your room, or anywhere else that was a ass whooping waiting to happen. He kept all the money and gave us what he wanted, when he wanted.
Ten minutes later, after the feeling returned to my body I attempted to get off the floor. Ribs aching and legs damn near feeling like noodles, I limped to my room. Jasmine was there waiting for me.
"You okay girl?" She said dabbing the blood from my nose with a tissue.
"Yea, I'll be okay once the swelling goes down."
"You gone have to put yo foot down and demand yo money from these niggas! If not they gone keep robbing yo ass!"
"So they can beat my ass too?"
"Baby girl you gone have to stand up for yourself, this the second time this happened. And you know with your eye like that Daddy not gone let you go to work. No work from you, means less money for him. Just something else for him to be pissed off about."
"I know, I'll be okay. I'll just sleep it off."
"Okay, let me know if you need something."
"I will." I said as I felt my right eye closing up from the swelling.
It took 3 days and numerous ice packs for my eye to go down. I was kind of ready to go back to work. Laying up in this house will make you crazy. Never thought my life would turn out like this just last year I was in my sophomore year majoring in pharmacology. Sometimes things happen in your life that leave you mentally fucked up and in fucked up situations. But fuck that shit, this is my life now.

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