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I began to drive. No destination in mind, just drive. I really didn't have anywhere to go. I drove until I reached a hotel. I didn't get out, I just sat there and thought about my life. I made all of this progress and my life was still fucked up. I sat in my car and cried for what seemed like hours, until there was a knock on my window. I looked up and to my surprise it was Daddy. I knew I recognized his car in the parking lot. Was this nigga following me? I guess he was right, it wasn't nobody that he couldn't find if he wanted to.. Ugh, this was not the time or place. I let the window down.
"Long time, no see" I didn't say anything.
"What's wrong baby girl, why you crying?"
I still said nothing.
"What, you just gonna ignore me? What did I do to you? You can talk to me, I'm not your enemy. What's wrong? Open the door."
For some reason unknown, I clicked the button on the door, unlocking the doors. He walked to the other side of the car and got in.
"Marcus Lady, huh?" he asked must've read the tag on my car.
"Not ole Marcus Brown from Highland Avenue." I looked up at Daddy.
"Awwww hell naw, I guess history done repeated itself." He laughed.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Nothing just wanted my old friend back. It's been a while. As long as you been gone from the house I thought you would've been living the good life. And then I find you like this, crying your eyes out in a hotel parking lot. I must admit this is a nice as car, you must be doing something right. I really miss you Cassie, even the girls miss you especially Jasmine. Why don't you come back to the house? That nigga ain't doing you right. You had a home when you were there, back at the house. Just one night. You don't have to stay if you don't want to but just stay tonight. It'll beat you sleeping in this car or this raggedy ass hotel. You can even sleep in my bed, and in the morning if you don't feel like that's where you belong your free to go baby girl. I promise. I'll even drive you back to your car. I can't have you pulling up to the house in this hot ass car. The girls would go crazy!"
"Yes. Really." He said kissing my forehead.
I didn't know what made me go with Daddy. I guess I just wanted comfort. Me and Marcus had so much going on right now. And he said I could leave in the morning if I wanted to. So I didn't see much harm. I got out of my car, leaving my purse and cellphone and got into the car with Daddy.
We arrived at the house. No light lit up in the house. It was still so very late in the morning I didn't expect anyone to be woke anyway. Everything looked the same as if I never left or he expected me to come back. I walked passed the rooms and could see the girls sleeping. I really wanted to go inside the room with Jasmine to talk with her. I didn't know the reason. Maybe to get some closure and get my friend back. I continued to walk. We arrived to Daddy's room. I could see a body in the bed, had to be Ashley. I started to feel uneasy. Daddy walked over to the bed and started to shake her.
"Wake up. Ash, get up." She finally awakened and sleepily looked around the room. Our eyes locked.
"This bitch again?"
"Don't start Ashley. Cassie gone sleep in here tonight."
She didn't say a word, just got up and walked out of the room. I stripped down to my undershirt and got into the bed. It felt like Heaven. I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Soon after I heard the door open. I didn't move maybe it was Daddy going to the bathroom. I quickly jumped up. Feeling that feeling again, as if someone was standing over me, and it was. It was Ashley.
"I told you this shit wasn't over with, bitch you stole from me and thought you was gone get away with it. Riding around living the good life with this nigga and my fucking money!" Daddy said quickly grabbing my neck pushing me back down in the bed. That's when I seen the blade in Ashley's hand. She raised it and started to stab me repeatedly. I was defenseless. Soon, my eyes closed and never opened again.

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