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Everyday I cried. The more I cried, the more I prayed. I've never prayed until I got here. I even started reading the Bible. I can feel my faith getting stronger every day. Compared to some, yes my life was fucked up but it could've been worse, listening to the life story of these other women made me really appreciate my life more. I haven't got close to any of the women here. The shit Jasmine did really fucked my trust up. The helping hand today, could be the same hands to beat your ass tomorrow. I guess as long as I had Marcus he was the only friend I needed. Some days I thought about Daddy and other days I thought about Marcus. It's been a while since I've seen Marcus. The first couple of weeks were probation, no visitors no calls. I missed him I really did. Sometimes I think about Mariah and how lucky she was to have him. I often dream of laying in his arms and waking up to him every morning. At first I was fucked up about Marcus bringing me here but I'm really glad he did. I was learning so much. Two or three days out of the week we did intern training. So far I've followed a nurse, pharmacist, real estate agent, and a teacher. They've taught us proper etiquette, typing skills, & resumes. Even with all the training I've received I've still be confused as to what I was going to do once I left here. Before this lifestyle I had goals and dreams but I've seen so much and been through so much proving that nobody lives that perfect life we see on tv. I wanted better for myself, hell I needed better for myself. I knew if I continued walking around feeling sorry for myself I would never get out of this funk. I dropped to my knees and began to pray.

Lord, I come to you in my time of need. I surrender it all to you. Give me the guidance and strength to continue. Thank you for all the lessons, I've overcome so much and all I need is the strength to go on. Change me Lord, change my heart, change me for the better. I thank you for everything you've done for me, everything your doing for me, and everything you will do for me in the future. I thank you for Marcus, he has been a positive contribution to my life ever since the day he first walked back in. Lord I ask that you watch over him and continue to bless him in any way possible. In the Lord's name I pray. Amen.

I opened my eyes only to see someone standing in the doorway smiling at me. It was Marcus. I hopped off the floor and ran into his arms damn near knocking him over.

"Damn pretty lady, you happy to see me."

Feeling slightly embarrassed, "No I ain't been thinking bout you," I said blushing, playfully punching him in the chest.

"Did I just see you praying?"

"Sure did, felt good too."

"Did you pray for me?"

"Of course."

"Stop bullshittin."

"I'm not I'm serious!"

"You must really care about a nigga."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't who's to say?"

"I knew you was feeling this super fly ass nigga."

Laughing my ass off, "Nigga boo, sit yo ass down."

"Glad to see your not mad at me anymore. If looks could kill, I'd be a dead motherfuka the way you looked the day I brought you here."

"I was mad to be honest. I felt like you were abandoning me, just dropping me off at some strange place. I thought you didn't care. I'm so glad you did tho, I love it here. I've learned so much, shit I knew I couldn't learn if I was still in the streets. Thank you Marcus. See look at my certificate!" I said showing him my certificate of completion of phase 8.

"Oh shit nah! That's what's up, but did you really think I would do you like that G?"

"Yea. I'm so use to being tossed around and let down. I just knew it was too good to be true."

"You gotta have more faith in me pretty lady. Why is it so hard for you to let a nigga in? I mean I know life's been hard for you but haven't I proven myself enough. I've been here since I picked you up that night and I haven't left. I've been right by your side ever since. I think you should cut me some slack don't you think?"

"I guess you're right. But..."

"But what?"

"How does Mariah feel about you being 'by my side'?"

"I'm a grown ass man Gina, if I say I'm gone do it then that's what I'm gonna do. And you don't ever have to worry about Mariah," he said picking my chin up, looking me in my eyes.

"If that's what's been bothering you G, just chill. I got you remember that."

"I hear you, what brings you here today? It's been a while."

"You must really be enjoying yourself here, today is family visitation day. They got a big dinner prepared down stairs."

"Oh shit! Really?? And nigga how they let you in? You ain't family," I said laughing.

"Not yet, pretty lady." He said winking his eye.

Marcus walked out the door and headed down stairs, leaving me confused. What did he mean not yet? This nigga got more surprises than a damn magician.

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