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"You walked into my life when I was down and out, took away my pain and gave me your smile."

Today was the big day. I had completed all ten phases and it was discharge day. I got a feeling I'm gonna miss this place. I enjoyed myself at the award ceremony. I received three awards. I had to admit it was kind of frustrating seeing the other women with their family there cheering them on and I didn't have anyone. Marcus was the only person to support me that day. He even brought Mariah. I didn't mind, I was just happy someone was there for me. She didn't wear as much makeup as she usually did when I seen her, for some reason she looked more familiar. I tried to put my finger on it but I just couldn't. I didn't ask just left it alone, maybe I was wrong. Sometimes I think to myself maybe I'm too hard on Marcus. He really did care for me and if he didn't, he had a good way of hiding it. And if he loves me why don't I just let him. Being here helped me put most of my past behind me but it's hard to let go of things that continue to haunt you. I planned on going to see my mama after I left and got on my feet to let her know how far I've come. I smiled to myself. I missed my mama. I even thought about my step daddy too even tho he did that sick ass shit, he helped me and my mama a lot along the way. I found a way in my heart to forgive him. Once I start to think about Daddy, thats when the confusion comes in. I wondered why didn't he come see me. He once said he had enough money to find anybody in America if he wanted to, so why didn't I get a visit. He came to the hospital, why didn't he come here. I wondered had he been looking for me. Hmmmm probably, probably not. I continued to pack my things and waited til it was time for discharge. I stood outside with my suitcase and things, hoping soon Marcus would arrive to come pick me up. After 30 minutes I shot him a text message.

Marcus, are you coming to get me? -Gina

No reply. That was strange. Marcus always answered my texts no matter how busy he was. I waited a lil longer, still no reply. Now I was starting to get frustrated. I pulled my phone back out and called a cab. Twenty minutes later, a cab pulled up.

"Where to my lady?"

"I'm not sure, just get me back into the city limits. I think I can handle it from there."


We pulled off. How could Marcus not come get me. I was stupid for thinking he wouldn't just drop me off and leave me. Maybe I was being too hard on him. But how could he not come, he's the one that reminded me that today was discharge day. Everything about this situation was fucked up. I checked my phone, still no reply. Once I got back into the city limits, where the fuck was I going to go. I didn't have nothing or nobody just a couple of dollars that Marcus had given me on his last visit.

The cab soon came to a stop. He stopped me in front of a bus stop. I didn't mind at least it was some place I was familiar with. I used to walk this block when I was with Daddy. I paid the cab driver and got out. I walked to a near by diner and ordered lunch. It was much needed the drive really made me hungry. I checked my phone, no reply.

Marcus what's going on, why won't you txt me back? Call me ASAP!! - Gina

I ate my lunch and headed back to the bus stop. I sat there for at least 30 minutes.

I really can't believe you would do me like this! How the fuck could you forget to come get me? Or did you leave me on purpose? What happened to 'if I say I'm gone do it, ima do it' you full of shit Marcus! -Gina

Still no reply. It started to drizzle. I gave up texting Marcus. I threw the phone to the ground causing it to break into several pieces. I got up and started to walk. No destination in hand, just walking. After a while I regretted breaking my phone. At least I couldn't called 911 if someone tried to grab me. The rain continued to come down. My suitcase was becoming a burden on me. I eventually left it behind. I couldn't help it, the tears started to flood. How could Marcus do this to me? How could I have been so naive to think someone was going to be this nice to me. Did I become a burden on him? Was it because of Mariah? Was she tired of her man helping me? Did she think more was going on than help?

My legs started to feel as if they could give out in any second. Walking was not the problem I was used to walking, but walking wet made the walk 10x worse. The rain started to let up. I looked down to see I had messed up my brand new Nikes that Marcus had bought me. I didn't care. I continued to walk. Forty five minutes later I walked up to a familiar house. I could see lights on inside. I debated on whether I should go in or not. I looked around no one outside or insight. I could hear voices coming from inside of the house but couldn't make out the conversations. I shook the door knob. It was locked. I looked around once more and seen Daddy's car in the driveway. I raised my hand to knock...

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