30 - Marcus

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I woke up this morning on the couch. I walked upstairs to find G. She wasn't there. I walked back down to the kitchen, she wasn't there either. I poured a glass of orange juice, drinking the last out of the jug. I opened the trash and threw the jug away and seen the packs the new locks came in. Then I thought about events of yesterday and last night. How could she have come back if I changed the locks? Maybe she was at Mariah's.
G?- Marcus
I got no reply.
Whassup cuzzo, you seen G?-Marcus
Nope, she was here last night. But was gone when I woke up I thought she was there.-Mariah
She was, we kinda got into it last night and she left. I haven't seen her this morning.-Marcus
Did you call the job?-Mariah
Bout to do that right now-Marcus
I felt like shit. I guess she wasn't lying she was at Mariah's house last night. I gotta make it up to my baby. Let her know how wrong I was and that I was sorry. I called the Police Department and asked if Gina had come to work this morning. The lady on the other end of the phone said that she hadn't heard from Gina and that they had been calling because she didn't show up for her shift this morning. Fuck! Where could my baby be? Maybe she was still mad at me and was just ignoring me. I decided to text her again.
Hey baby, I know things have been bumpy with us lately. It's just so much that has been going on lately. I'm so sorry about last night. Mariah told me you were at her house. I should've believed you. You are a good woman Gina. I guess it was just my insecurities I got from the previous women I've been with that had me tripping on you. Ever since that night I picked you up. I knew I wanted to fall in love with you. Tbh I've been loving you since we were kids on Highland Ave. Just never said anything. You were so beautiful and smart. I knew you wouldn't want a nigga like me because I didn't have shit back then, but even then I was shallow for even thinking like that. You really held a nigga down. Baby just come back home. I'll get you a extra key made today. I need you here with me. Last week my mama passed from a heart attack. I couldn't take it G, I started tripping out. That's why I haven't been spending much time at home lately. I didn't want you to see me like this. I even started doing drugs to take my mind off of everything. You probably already know that tho. I've been trying to get everything ready for the funeral, it's today so baby please come home. I need you to be there with me. Again I love you Gina, and I'm so sorry for everything. –Marcus
Still there was no reply. That was really strange. I walked around the house until I found her computer, to see if she had logged into her classes. There was an assignment that was due this morning that G didn't submit. Shit was starting to get scary. G always did her work. She turned in her assignments a day before they were due so for her to submit her work something had to be wrong. I picked up the folder that was sitting under the computer. A couple sheets of school work. A couple sheets of her doodling with me and her name on it. Gina loves Marcus. Marcus and Gina forever. Mrs. Brown. There were also other names. MJ. Faith Shantea Brown. I was confused. A piece of loose paper fell from the folder. I picked it up and flipped it over. My mouth dropped. I had to sit down. It was an ultrasound. Gina was pregnant. She never told me. I got to find my baby!
My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. I quickly grabbed my phone thinking it would be Gina. It was Mariah. Her voice was so distraught I could barely hear what she was saying.
"Call down Mariah, whats up?"
"Turn on your TV!" she said before hanging up.
I walked downstairs and turned on the tv. Turning the channel to the news. The headline read: Prostitute Found Slain. A tear dropped.
They gave a description of the victim. It was Gina. How the fuck did I let this happen to her. I promised to keep her safe and to protect her. I failed her. I failed my unborn child. Not only did I lose my mama, I lost my girl and my child. This was too much for one nigga. I got into my car, grabbed the box out of the glove box. I opened it, and stared at the 24K Rose Gold diamond ring. I had bought the ring 2 weeks ago and planned on asking Gina to marry me. The unexpected death of my mama, pushed time back. I threw the ring and began to punch the steering wheel out of rage. I cried and cried. I couldn't take it no longer, I pulled the gun from under the seat, put a bullet in the chamber and pulled the trigger til I blew my brains out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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