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I got out of his shit, damn near in the middle of nowhere. Fuck him, how can he judge me his life ain't no fucking better. He act like he getting money the legit way. His ass in these streets too! He should be worried about working on his damn self! I got me! Mad as hell I'm walking this lonely ass road in the middle of no where, in some of my best shit! What a fucking waste! I'll just walk til I find the nearest building and call Daddy. After walking for about 5 minutes. I heard a car behind me drive up and slow down. I turned around and it was Marcus. Half of me was happy he came back because I couldn't walk no further in these shoes on this gravel road, and the other half wanted to slap the piss out of him.
"What the fuck do you want, Marcus?"

"Get in the car, Gina!" I guess this nigga was trying me, I asked him to stop calling me that shit!

"Fuck you!"

"So you gone bust up yo new shoes being stubborn huh?" He chuckled. I had to laugh too. I looked down and my color was starting to chip off from the rocks.

"Shut the fuck up." I said walking across the car to get back in.

"I see you got a short ass fuse. What did I say to make you go off like that. I thought you would've been happy."

"How can you be so eager to "help" me, Marcus you don't even know me."

"How can you say that Gina."

"See that's what I'm talking about. You know Gina, not Cassie. Things have changed Marcus. You've told me all those stories about how hoes tried to get over on you. How you know I'm not the same? I'm no different than them other hoes."

"That's just a lie you tell yourself to convince yourself that this life is for you. You can't fool me G, I knew you way before this street shit. You might can play them other niggas with that shit but I know better."

"So you never thought about getting out this shit G, do you have a plan? Don't you wanna settle down, get married, && have kids one day?"

"Who gone wife a hoe, Marcus?"

"Nobody, with that mindset you got, if you think like a hoe you gone do hoe shit! This shit not you, you can shake this shit I know it. And you got the nerve to tell me that nigga love you? That shit ain't love if he got you doing this shit. Do he give you any of the money you make?"

I couldn't say a word. I never thought of it like that. I just sat back and continued to let him talk.

"Exactly, you out here sucking and fucking for this nigga and what you get out of it? A roof over yo head and clothes on yo back?? That's all ? If he didn't give you a place to stay how the fuck you gone make his money? How the fuck he gone keep tabs on you and his money? Clothes? He buy that shit so you can make him some money. When the last time he ever bought you a nice sundress or a pair of jeans to lounge around in? Tell me Gina. And can't no nigga love you if he beating your ass. The night I picked you up I saw that ring under your eye. I've been around enough bitches to know what makeup can do. So don't you ever fix yo mouth to me and tell me that nigga love you, because he don't ! You just another bitch to him, when you get wore out and can't make him no more money he gone kick yo ass to the curb like the other bitches!"

Still, I said nothing as the tears rolled down my face. I turned my head toward the window so he wouldn't see me. Nobody has ever broke it down to me like that. Is there really a life outside of this shit? Where would I go without Daddy? How could I leave Daddy after all he's done for me? I sat back and enjoyed the ride as my mind continued to race.
We pulled up to this big ass brick house, it was decked out ! The type of shit you see on tv. White picket fence with a three car garage. It was beautiful. He pulled into the drive way.
"Where are we Marcus?"
"Welcome to the king's den," he smiled
"This you? Stop bullshitting!"
"Get out, pretty lady."
We got out of the car. Two pit bulls met us once he opened the gate.
"Don't worry, I got you. Sit Ki-Lo & Roxie. The dogs quickly obeyed. He unlocked the door and we walked in. It was so beautiful. There is no way a street nigga set this up like this, his mama had to have something to do with this.
"Mi casa, su casa!" His voice echoed through the house.
We talked and laughed for hours, watched movies, and he even cooked. Felt like I was in Heaven. It started to get late. We climbed into the car and started back to Daddy's house. After we pulled up, he reached me a knot full of money.
"I put a lil extra in there for you too. You, not that nigga. You here me?"
"Thanks Marcus," I said smiling.
"Let me be the one to make you do that."
"Make you smile pretty lady. If I gotta call this fuck nigga every morning to see you and take up all yo time from these other niggas, I will. I want you out these streets Gina and ima get you out of em, believe that. All it takes is time. Good night, lady. See you tomorrow." He said winking his eye. I could hear the sounds of "Fuck Up Some Commas" by Future playing as he pulled off. I walked inside the house.

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