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Every morning since then Daddy had been coming to see me. It was usually around lunch and we ate together. I was really starting to like the company and attention I was getting from him. I never told him the day I was getting discharged from the hospital. I just thought I shouldn't tell him that information. He seemed like a different person outside of the house. He made me feel special in a type of way. I guess its hard to focus on one girl when you have a house full of women. Maybe he changed. Maybe he really did care about me and missed me. My room had started to look as if someone died, he brung me flowers everyday, I was losing space to put them. I hadn't seen Marcus in a couple days he said that he had had some business to take care of, but everyday and every morning he never skipped a beat. He texted all day and most of the times we talked until I fell asleep. He never called around lunch time, always said he didn't want to disturb me while I ate. Which was perfect because now Daddy was starting to come around.

Good morning pretty lady - Marcus

Good morning Marcus. -Gina

wyd - Marcus

nothing bored 2 death, really ready to get out of here. - Gina

Why you so in a rush? Wat u got planned wen u get out? - Marcus

To be honest, I really don't know yet. Probably take your advice and settle down and start me a little family. lol - Gina

With wat nigga! - Marcus

None of yo business nigga. Time waits for no man. Life goes on, remember nigga? How you and Mariah doing? Hows life been treating you? -Gina

Don't be tryna use my shit against me shawty. I just hope he a good nigga to you - Marcus

& why do you care? - Gina

I can't take nobody mistreating my FRIEND :) I'm still waiting on good time to catch dude slipping. I still ain't over that shit! -Marcus

Marcus leave it alone, I'm okay.! - Gina

I pray you don't plan on going back. -Marcus

I won't Marcus........ -Gina

I really didn't know what I was going to do once I got out of the hospital. Marcus said he had some things set up for me, but Daddy was starting to be so sweet to me. Everything seemed so right. I also made a promise to myself to better myself once I left here. How could I go back? How would Marcus feel if I went back? How do Mariah feel about her man being so damn generous? I needed answers. It was time for lunch, and like clock work Daddy was here. I slid my phone inside of the dresser. I never have it out while he's around. He would trip out if he knew I had one. He walked in with a vase full of white and pink roses. They were beautiful.

"Thanks Daddy, their beautiful."

"No problem baby, let's go."

We walked down to the dining area. MMmmmmm the smell of collard greens, cornbread, fried chicken, and banana pudding. Did I just die and go to heaven?

"They treating you good here?"

"Yea, I like it here all the nurses are sweet and take that extra step to make sure I'm comfortable."

"Good you know I'll act up if they weren't treating my baby good."

Chuckling, "Yea, yea I know."

"When are you coming home baby, when are you getting out of here?"

"I'm not sure yet." I lied.

"You know you can leave against medical advise and we can leave now if you want to. You don't have to be locked up in this hospital, you can come back home to Daddy. Don't you come back home with Daddy?"

Nervously, "Yes Daddy, I do but they just started me on a new pain med and they want to run tests to see how it interacts with me." I lied.

He left it alone and we continued to eat. I don't know why I lied. I think it was because I was really unsure as to what I really wanted to do once I left here. Daddy was being so nice, but what if it was just a front. He wanted me to set up Marcus, how could I set up Marcus with all the things he's done for me..... But how can I not help Daddy? He was there when no one else was there. I would've been still on the streets if he hadn't taken me in? But I wouldn't be in this hospital either..

After lunch he walked me back to my room. I got back into bed, he kissed me on my cheek and headed toward the door. Before he walked out he turned around and said, "Don't forget about that favor," winked his eye, and proceeded out of the door.

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