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I fell in love with everyday of my life, since that night. The few months that went by felt more like years. Mornings always started off with breakfast, soft kisses, and foot rubs. Soon after I would log onto my online classes. I was really starting to like school again like I did once before. It wasn't so hard to get back into the hang of it with the help of the rehab. So far so good, I was actually passing all of my classes. Marcus had also managed to get me a desk job at the local police department. I typed all police reports, filed papers, and performed background checks. Now how the hell could a drug dealer get me a job at a police department, I guess money does talk. It felt so good to be free. No more having to wait on someone to pack you and four other girls up into one vehicle. He took me to get my drivers license, the day after I got out of rehab and I drove myself around. After telling Marcus I had broke the phone he had given me he was pretty upset, but I soon bought another one once I got my first check.

Whassup girl? -Mariah

Nothing girl finishing up at work, whassup?- Gina

You wanna go out tonight?- Mariah

Ummm.. Sure I can where we going?-Gina

The club on the corner of 4th and Montgomery- Mariah

K. Txt me later, I'll be ready.-Gina

Kay I'll come pick you up- Mariah

Even though I said I was done with females over the months me and Mariah got close. It was probably the fact that she was Marcus' cousin that made me more comfortable. She spent majority of the time at our house. I loved when she was around she was so bubbly and full of energy. That bitch could definitely smoke her ass off. I wasn't down, most times I would grab my school books and go into another room and study. I loved the woman that Marcus and rehab made me into. I could feel myself growing and starting to progress more. Its been years since I've been out. I haven't been to a club since my college days. I was kinda looking forward to tonight. I had a bad ass dress that showed off my thick ass legs. I wondered if Marcus was down to ride.

Hey baby. -Gina

Hey pretty lady, whassup?- Marcus

Mariah wants me to go out with her tonight....-Gina

To the club?-Marcus


That's cool, bet not be giving no other nigga my loving *kissy face*- Marcus

Lol, I wont baby. You coming?-Gina

Naw, I got some business to catch up on. Yall have fun. I love you - Marcus

I love you too baby, I'll talk to you later.-Gina

The hours at work dragged on. I finished my work early and asked if I could go home. I got into my car and road around a little before going home. I ended up stopping by a near shoe store. I wanted the perfect pumps to match my dress. I tried on several shoes. I was just couldn't find that perfect pair. The bell at the door rang, notifying the staff that a customer was either coming in or leaving out. I picked my head up to see the customers. Soon after I seen the customers I ducked my head down and ran into the restroom. It was Daddy and Ashley. My heart was beating out of my chest. I locked the door and stood on top of the toilet. I had not seen Daddy since the visit at the hospital after he asked me to set up Marcus. I just couldn't face him and didn't want to run into him no time soon. I felt I was in a good place in my life right now and I just didn't need the extras. I sat in the restroom for a good 35 minutes. My legs felt as if they were about to give out. I got off of the toilet and crept to the door and peeked out. They were gone. Thank God. I grabbed the last pair of shoes I tried on, paid for them and ran out of the door. I didn't care if they weren't perfect I had to get out of there. I made no more stops and went straight home. Marcus was not home when I got there. I was greeted by Roxie and Kilo. I fed them and went into the kitchen to cook dinner for Marcus. He usually did most of the cooking, but at any chance that I had to do it for him, I did. After the food was ready I sat on the couch and watched Waiting to Exhale, to pass time until it was time to go out. I ended up falling asleep but was awakened by a knock at the door.

"Whaaassuuuuuuup girl!"

It was Mariah. She was dressed in a Nike body suit with bags in her hand.

"What the hell you in here doing with all these damn lights off?"

"I was sleep."

"You're still going out right?"

"Yea, I just dosed off. What time is it?"

"11:31. Where cuzzo?"

"I'm not sure. He said he had some business to take care of so you know how that goes."

"Yea. I understand."

I got up from the couch and headed to the room as Mariah headed to the kitchen and fixed her a plate. I laid my clothes across the bed, laying my shoes up against my outfit. It was a perfect match. I headed into the shower. After seeing my shoes it took me back to the incident that happened earlier. What would have happened if they seen me? Would they even notice me, now that I looked more like I did before I went to Daddy's house? What would Daddy have to say to me? Should I tell Marcus? What would he say? Ugh. I told myself to relax as I finished my shower. I stepped out in my towel and lotioned my body down. Soon after I applied my make up and fixed my hair into a big messy bun. My dressed fit perfectly and my shoes really brought out the color.

"Dammmmmmn girl you look good!"

"Thanks, bitch you do too!"

"Aight nah don't get in no trouble tonight" Mariah said laughing.

We're headed out baby. Love you! If you get done, come out. -Gina

We headed out the door. We pulled up at the club. The crowd was thick and the line was backed up. Luckily, Mariah used to fuck one of the bouncers at the door and we walked right on past the line and into the club. The sounds of Set It Off by Boosie blared through the speakers throughout the club. The crowd was crunk. I could barely hear the music over the crowd singing along. I joined into ! They call me bad azz and I'll punish you! Me and Mariah screamed with the crowd.

"Let's go get a drink." We headed to the bar, but instead of Mariah ordering we stood next to the bar. No more than two minutes later some guy walked up and offered to buy us a drink. We got our drinks and headed back to the dance floor. After a while I didn't see Mariah anymore. I continued to dance and sing along. "If there's a question of my heart, you've got it. It don't belong to anyone but you"

"This my shit!" I screamed into the crowd before I started slow dancing. I didn't mind dancing alone. I turned and spotted Mariah standing in the corner talking to some dude with a LA Dodgers snap back. I continued to dance. By the middle of the song I felt someone start to dance with me. I guess Marcus decided to come after all. Our bodies grinded to the lyrics as one. He grabbed my waist and kept up with my every move. He kissed my neck passionately. Soon after a furious Mariah walked toward me and grabbed my arm.


"Bitch them drinks getting to you lets go home!"

I turned around and it wasn't Marcus. It was Daddy. He started to walk off and turned around blowing a kiss, smiling. My heart dropped. Mariah escorted me out of the club and we got into the car.

"Oh my God, Mariah I swear I didn't know. I thought it was Marcus!"

"Damn G you fucking up big time. Marcus had just walked in right before the song ended."

"Did he see me?"

"Hell yea, and he walked right back out!" I dropped my head. I should've never drunk so many of those drinks. I should've turned around. I just knew it was Marcus. Did Daddy know who I was? We pulled up at the house. Marcus' car was parked outside and all of the lights were out. Maybe he was sleep. I got out of the car. I knew it was time to face the music. FUCK! I unlocked the door and sat my purse down on the table near the door. Before I knew it I felt a hard smack against my face that sent me falling to the floor.

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