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I attempted to open my eyes, but all I could see is darkness. I had to be lying in a bed. It was so soft and comfortable. I could hear a familiar beeping noise and people talking. I laid a lil longer and attempted to turn over, my body ached in pain. I couldn't move. Where am I ? What happened to me? Where is Daddy? Where is Jasmine? Hadn't really thought about Marcus after he flipped out on me a couple days back.

I could here the voices getting closer. "She's still asleep. Vitals are stable," the first voice said.

"She was pretty messed up when they picked her up, she was a inch away from being dead. She's been her for about three weeks, no movement at all." said the second voice. "I was in the hospital. How? Why? I grunted in pain as I tried to move again.

"She's moving! Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson! Can you hear me? Tap your finger, if you can hear me." I could hear her loud and clear but my finger didn't move. Everything ached. She continued screaming in my ear trying to get me "awake." There was long beat and 15-20 minutes I was out. Had to be morphine.

I awaken to more voices, "It's been six days, since then sir. I could have sworn I heard her grunt, but maybe I didn't. I'm sorry sir."

"Any movement today?"

"No sir, not that I'm aware of."

"Well I'll be here when she wakes up."

The voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't make out who it was. Was it Daddy? Did he come to my rescue? Was he ready to hurt whoever hurt me and put me in this hospital? Daddy didn't let nobody fuck with his girls. I tried to smile, but the pain was unbearable. Then, there was the long beep again and I went out.

I was awaken but an uproar of noise coming from a distance. People shouting and the sounds of shoes running.

"Somebody, grab the crash cart!" Some must've coded, I thought.

"This is Mrs. Johnson. She hasn't awaken since she came to us on May 13th. Her vitals have been stable. Respirations and heart rate have been okay. She just haven't woke up yet. I strongly believe that she will pull through and when she does I would like for you to set up an arrangement with the nearest Women's Shelter once she has been discharged." said a voice in my room.

"Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson my name is Ms. Catherine Green, I will be your case manager. I will make sure you have a good place to stay once you are discharged from here." said Mrs. Green. I could here her walk away and soon after another set of footsteps walked out of the room.

I attempted to open my eyes, they opened slightly. I could barely see, but was able to make out that someone was sitting in my room. A male figure. The person jumped up I could see they held something long by their side.

"She's up! Nurse, Nurse! I think she's woke!" the male voice said. I attempted to open my eyes wider. It was useless. I closed them and drifted back to sleep.

"Mr. Jackson you've been here everyday. You should go home and rest," said Mrs. Rose. I was now getting use to the voices of the nurses.

"No I want to be here once she wakes up, I have to be here." the male voice started to sound depressed.

"Okay Mr. King."

Mr. King? I've never knew Daddy's full name. Was his last name King? Ced King? Marcus? No Marcus' last name was Williams, I think. Everything seemed like a blur to me. Who could this man be? And why was he waiting on me to wake up?

I attempted to open my eyes. This time they opened. At first my eyesight was blurry. After a while everything started to clear out. I could see the oxygen mask on my face. I looked down and seen an IV hooked into my arm. I looked around the room, like I expected I was in the hospital. The room looked different from other hospital rooms. How long had I been here? Then my attention directed to the man in the chair who now, appeared to be sleeping. I couldn't believe it.

Curtis motherfucking King! My stepdaddy.

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