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Beomgyu had looked at the clock over a thousand times today.

It's like he thought the time would magically change everytime he looked at it, but it obviously wasn't going to. He sighed, looking toward his teacher who was staring at his computer and typing away.

He didn't teach for shit, he would only explain the assignment and give the students the entire class time to do it. The people in this class would just talk the whole time, too.

He hated this class, every part of it, except for the person who sat beside him.


"I'm so fucking done with this, it's too bad that it's too late for me to drop this class." Beomgyu said to him.

"That's AP English for you, it's definitely not for the weak. I'm weak by the way." Soobin said,
making Beomgyu laugh.

"Me too."

"At least the bell's about to ring." Soobin said, making relief pass through Beomgyu's body.

"Thank god."

Beomgyu watched the clock intently, waiting for it to strike the time he'd be free to go home. He really needed to get some sleep, he had been up all night writing songs.

As soon as the bell rang he was on his feet saying and goodbye to Soobin, making his way out the door. When he exited he was immediately met with his friend, Huening Kai.

"Hey superstar, where you headed?" Kai asked with a grin.

Beomgyu smiled and let Kai sling his arm over his shoulder.

"Home, why?" He replied.

"The others and I are gonna go watch the team practice and buy food, I wanted to know if you'd come with us."

"Sure, is Jayoung coming?"



Beomgyu stared off into the field, watching as Yeonjun caught the ball and sprinted to the other end of the field.

"Is that a home run?" Susie questioned.

Jayoung snorted as Beomgyu held back a laugh.

"What's funny?" She asked.

"Susie, this is football." Jayoung said while letting out a laugh.

"Then what the fuck do you call that?!"

"I don't know! This sport is too confusing to understand." Jayoung said as Susie sighed.

She looked toward Beomgyu who raised a brow.

"Don't look at me, I've gone to a ton of games but I've never understood anything. I still don't."

Susie laughed and popped a grape into her mouth.

"Kai and Taehyun need to hurry-I could kill for a burger right now." Jayoung said after groaning.

Susie and Beomgyu both simultaneously scooted away from Jayoung the instant she said that.

"Calm down, I won't bite you guys again." She mumbled.

"Glad we came in time then." Taehyun said as he placed 2 bags of fast food beside them.

Jayoung snatched one of the bags and began scavenging it's contents. Taehyun grimaced and snatched it back, not before getting sharp nails dug into his skin by her.

"Ow! Okay, okay! Geez." He said as he rubbed his arm.

Jayoung grinned proudly and stuck her tongue out at him, making him smack her arm.

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