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"But like, where do you think she got them from?"

"Her mom, definitely."

"Really? I swear I heard—"

I heard.

That's all people say when they're telling others rumors, when they're spreading around things that aren't true but hurtful. People stare, but they won't say anything to Beomgyu who just sits and hopes that they'll get bored.

Don't look back, just don't look back.

Beomgyu noticed that if you look back when people are staring they tend to make more rumors, specifically ones that title you as arrogant and conceited, sometimes even flirtatious and "just asking for it."

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I went home during free block and literally got chased down the road by my mom and had to go back to get my car without her beating my ass." Yeonjun rambled as he sat beside him.

Beomgyu smiled, feeling relieved that he was here now.

"What'd you do?" Beomgyu asked.

"I may or may not have put a fake rat in the kitchen sink." The older said, a grin appearing on his face as he pulled out his laptop.

Beomgyu laughed, watching the way Yeonjun quickly looked at him with a warm smile, his eyes scanning his face.

"What?" Beomgyu asked, feeling nervous with the way Yeonjun was staring at him.

"Nothing, you're just so hot I swear I'm gonna die." Yeonjun said as he made a dying sound and slumped onto the desk.

"Stop playing around." Beomgyu said as he smacked his shoulder with a giggle.

"I'm not playing, you're so pretty." He said.

Beomgyu just knew that Yeonjun wanted to do everything but sit still and not touch him, but with what happened a few days ago he didn't want to risk even more rumors.

Beomgyu really wanted to climb him like a tree though. He was starting to think that this was how Yeonjun felt whenever he was with him, except he had more self control than him.

"Wanna come with me somewhere after school ends?" Yeonjun asked.

"Sure, where?"

"I need to pick up something my mom got from a store and then I was planning on studying at that cafe we went to last time."

"What do you need to study for?"

"I know it's early but finals week."

"Well, it's in like, 2 weeks so I guess it'd be right to start already."

Yeonjun nodded, smiling as he admired Beomgyu's features, but groaned when he had to look away because the teacher started talking about something unimportant.


"Oh wow, is this a "I'm getting divorced" thing or what?" Beomgyu asked as he looked at what his mom had bought.

It was a very nice but revealing shirt. As soon as Yeonjun saw it he thought he had gotten the wrong thing but his mom confirmed that it was the right thing which made him get a bit mad.

His mom was beautiful and he didn't want anyone to look at her, at all. He was such a momma's boy but in a really cute and protective kind of way, not a run-away-screaming-for-your-life kind of way.

"Don't make fun of my mom." He said with a scowl.

"I would never! I love your mom." Bomgyu exclaimed making Yeonjun raise a brow.

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