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"Stupid fag, did you really think we wanted to be friends with you?"

"Get out of here you freak."



Again and again, the words repeated in Beomgyu's head like a broken record, each becoming harsher than the last, each getting even more degrading and so humiliating.




That's all he was to people.

He was nothing more than a boy-kissing freak to those people. Who was he without the queer label? Just a boy who didn't have any friends, who was weird, quiet and scary. Even if he wasn't openly gay, he was still getting bullied and judged.

The grass was wet, his clothes were soaked, his hair was drenched. His tears blended with the rain running down his face. The sound of rain smacking softly against the bleachers above him concealed his faint sobs.

"Are you okay?" A male voice suddenly asked.

His entire body froze when he felt something get draped over him, he was no longer being drenched by the rain. He immediately looked away and nodded, although the other boy knew that he was everything but okay.

"What's wrong?" The boy asked once again.

Beomgyu didn't utter a single word, he couldn't.

The lump in his throat held his voice hostage, he was afraid that if he spoke, he would burst into tears right in front of this stranger, that he would make himself a perfect target for him to bully.

It was quiet for a few moments.

"You can take your time, I'm just waiting for the lightning to clear so that I can play football." The boy spoke.

Football? In the rain?

Beomgyu grew nervous.

Was this one of those jerks from the football team?

He needed to know, he couldn't just sit there with someone from the football team, with someone who could potentially make fun of him. He kept quiet, trying to find the courage to speak up.

"You're on the team?" Beomgyu finally spoke.

"Yeah, I kind of suck right now since I got an injury a few weeks ago. Nobody is on the field so me and a few others wanna take the chance to practice."

Beomgyu bit his lip nervously. He slowly changed his position, dragging his knees to his chest so that he could hide his face into them.

"What made you sad on this ugly, rainy day?" The boy asked.

Beomgyu frowned.

He liked rainy days.

"It's not ugly." He said, making him chuckle.

"I'm guessing you're not sad then?" The boy teased.

Beomgyu didn't answer.

The boy cleared his throat.

"Sorry." He said, making Beomgyu furrow his brows.

He was oddly nice.

"It's okay." Beomgyu replied.

"It's not. That's why you're crying, cause people have been bothering you, right?"

Beomgyu stayed silent for a few seconds.

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