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"Heard you guys have a game next week, who's it against?" A deep voice asked.

Beomgyu looked up, making eye contact with a tall and buff man. He had a sharp jawline with a stubble lining it, he had very light brown hair and hazel eyes.

Beomgyu would've called him attractive if not for the slight obnoxiousness in his face.

They held eye contact for a few seconds, the corner of his mouth beginning to tug into a smirk before Yeonjun cleared his throat loudly, anger on his face and looked toward the guy.

"St. Jackson." Yeonjun said.

The guy furrowed his brows at this, like he was concerned, but it seemed almost fake.

"Didn't you play against them?" Taehyun asked.

"Yeah, we did." He said, rubbing the side of his neck.

"Who won?" Yeonjun asked.

"No one, the game got cut halfway through." He said, confusing Yeonjun-but also seeming to make them all even more tense.

"How come?" Yeonjun asked.

"Cause St. Jackson is a group of sons of bitches, they were playing dirty and one of our guys got concussed." He said, anger lingering in his eyes as the memories from that game came back.

"Oh shit." Taehyun muttered.

"Yeah, be careful with them. Wouldn't wanna end up concussed too, would we?" He said, a look of cockiness on his face.


"But who knows, we might play against each other soon. See you later Captains."

Yeonjun nodded and held his fist out, the guy returned the action and walked off with his friends following after him, Sunji included, but she didn't even acknowledge them.

"He seemed nice?" Susie said, more like asked, which earned her confused looks.

"He was passive-aggressive, what do you mean "nice"?" Jayoung questioned.

"I don't know, okay? That was so uncomfortable, I couldn't stand it." Susie mumbled.

"Me either, he was looking at me all weird." Beomgyu added in.

"Yeah, I didn't fucking like that." Yeonjun said as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against his chair angrily.

"What's his name?" Susie questioned.

"Wes." Kai chimed.

Taehyun gave him a confused look when he said this.

"Isn't that the little scrubby kid?" Taehyun said, making Kai have to think hardly.

"Oh wait, my bad, it's Dean or something, they look similar."

"Hey wait, what about Sunji? What the fuck is her deal hanging out with our rivals?" Soobin added in, looking toward Winnie who began looking a bit annoyed.

"If she wants to be friends with douchebags like that then she needs to get the fuck out of our school." Yeonjun said, also looking at Winnie which made her look even more annoyed.

"Look, I don't know why she's with them, but you guys need to stop looking at me like I'm gonna magically have the answers just because she's my friend." Winnie said, her brows furrowed angrily.

"We know, but for all we know she could be trying to cause shit." Soobin reasoned.

"Yeah, well I only just met her a few months ago, okay?" Winnie said, looking really frustrated now.

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