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Beomgyu watched Jayoung skate, being amazed at how fast someone could go on ice. She was so flexible too, and her partner was just as good as she was. He expertly held her in the air, then put her down to do one of those crazy spins.

"Wow, she's really good." A familiar voice spoke.

Beomgyu turned in confusion to see Taehyun standing beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jayoung said it was sectionals day," He pointed behind himself, motioning to Yeonjun who was walking up to them. "I brought him with me."

Beomgyu felt excited seeing Yeonjun, but he quickly pushed those feelings away when he realized that he was feeling this about his ex.

He's still in denial.

"Here," Taehyun handed him his jacket. "I'll be back, I need to pee."


Taehyun smiled at Jayoung, then walked away.

Even though he and Jayoung would argue a lot and always fought about dumb things they were still close and supported each other with their sport. Taehyun went to Jayoung's competitions and he went to hers.

Yeonju sat beside Beomgyu, his leg brushed against his, making his breath hitch in his throat. Beomgyu had to physically hold back from scooting closer to him.

"She's pretty good," Yeonjun said, earning a nod from Beomgyu.

"She's the best." He said, making Yeonjun smile.

"Do you wanna hang out later?" He suddenly asked.

Beomgyu looked curiously at the older boy, Yeonjun had such an innocent looking face, like he was hoping he'd say yes. Beomgyu gave in, a smile filling his face as he nodded.


Yeonjun grinned and leaned against the seat happily.

"So, how's streaming going?" He asked.

"It's pretty good, I get a lot of viewers so at least I know people like me." Beomgyu said, making Yeonjun chuckle.

"You're very likable, so I don't see why anyone would hate you."

"Well, being gay is the only reason people hate me, but that doesn't matter anymore."

"It doesn't and you shouldn't care even if people did. I'm gay and don't give a single fuck." He said, making Beomgyu snort.

"You need to teach me how to fight." Beomgyu suggested, which made Yeonjun snort.

"So you can ruin your reputation? No."

"It's not gonna ruin my reputation!"

"It ruined mine, why wouldn't it ruin yours?"

Beomgyu pouted, not because he was mad, but because Yeonjun was right. That was one of the many reasons Yeonjun was hated for online, which was weird because what was there to hate about him?

"You're too nice to be hated on." Beomgyu said, earning a shrug from the older.

"You're nicer than I am."


Yeonjun looked at him with furrowed brows after he said that.

"You're not supposed to agree with me."

"Well, I just did." Beomgyu said, a smug smirk appearing on his face.

Yeonjun smirked back, then suddenly grabbed Beomgyu.

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