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As soon as Yeonjun walked to the front door of his house he heard faint sobs.

All too familiar sobs.

He clenched his jaw tightly and set his things down quietly. He hoped that whatever he was about to walk into wasn't what he thought it was going to be.

He opened the door, his eyes immediately going wide at the sight of his home.

It was completely trashed.

Windows were broken, TV's were smashed, kitchenware was shattered—there was even holes in the fucking walls. He looked into the living room to see his mom sat on the torn up sofa.

She was emotionless, her eyes staring straight ahead as she rubbed Seojun's back to comfort him. He was the one sobbing.

Yeonjun immediately began to feel guilty because he wasn't there to defend them.

"Mom, get up," He picked Seojun up and pulled her along. "Let me see you, did he hurt you?"

He hurriedly checked her body, luckily only finding a small cut on her leg.

"Mom, what the fuck happened?" He questioned, watching as she shook her head.

"He's crazy, so crazy."

She turned and went up the stairs.

Yeonjun sighed heavily, then followed after her.

He entered her bedroom-but it was untouched, which confused him. He set Seojun down on her bed and went to check the other rooms, but they were all left untouched as well. He clenched his jaw tightly as he faced his own room.

He opened the door and felt anger hit him like a fucking train.

His bookshelf had been thrown onto the floor and the monitor for his computer had been smashed. The TV had also been smashed, but everything else was left alone. He managed to compose himself and went back to his mom.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go clean up." Yeonjun said, but he noticed his mom getting up.

"I'll help."

She tried to walk past him but he only pushed her back onto the bed.

"No. Stay here."

He left without saying anything else.

He went back into the living room and just stood there. He looked at everything that was broken and thrown on the floor.

Family photos.


His mom's pottery designs.

"Piece of shit." He muttered.

The cleaning process was long and tiring.

By the time Yeonjun finished it was nearly 3 AM.

He had stopped a few times to wait and see if his dad would come home, but he didn't. His dad knew what was waiting for him here if he came back here, he knew he'd get his ass beat.

Yeonjun had gotten a few cuts and bruises during the cleaning process but it was nothing too serious. He took a mental note of everything he would have to go and buy to replace.

Life was hard.

Life sucked.

Yeonjun scanned over the group chat, trying to decide if he should tell the others about his situation at home or if he should just bottle it all up like he always does.

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