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Yeonjun looked around the hospital, trying to wrap his head around what his dad could have possibly done to land himself in a hospital bed for the night.

Yeonjun had gotten a frantic call from his mom that something had happened and to go to the hospital, he thought it was something with Seojun so he fucking sped over here, but it turned out it was just his dad.

He really ran red lights for this fucker.

He tapped his leg frustratedly on the ground until his mom came out of his dad's room with a doctor beside her as he finished explaining things. He placed his hand on her back to comfort her, but little did he know she was annoyed as fuck.

"What happened?" Yeonjun asked once he left.

"A drunk driver hit your father's car while he was waiting at an intersection, he broke his leg and fractured his collarbone but other than that he's fine. The thing is, he was also drinking and driving, but I don't know what's gonna happen."

"What does this mean? Why are we here?"

"Medical bills, I'm still his spouse so this has just made the divorce 10 times more difficult than it already was." She said with a tired tone.

She looked so exhausted, she clearly wanted nothing more than for this to be over with.

Yeonjun sighed, then got up.

"I have to pick up extra shifts, you'll have to watch Seojun more often now." She said, looking around in thought, but Yeonjun shook his head.

"I have a job." He announced, which made her whip her head around to look at him in shock.

"What? Since when?"

"Since December, I've been saving up in case of anything. I want to help you out, we can just get a babysitter, maybe one of my friends can help."

"No, I wouldn't ask that of them, and I don't want you to work when I can easily do it."

"Mom I'm not gonna fight with you about this. I already have a job and it pays really well, you don't need to worry."

"How much?"

"$25 an hour."

"What? Where are you working?"

"I'm helping coach a kids football team in a rich ass area."

"What about football practice?"

"My football practice starts after school ends at 3pm and finishes at 4:30. The job is at 5 and finishes at 9, I can change my schedule to work Monday through Thursday. It's not a lot but it's the best I can do as a high schooler."

"But wouldn't you get exhausted?"

"I can handle it mom, trust me."

He grabbed her hands and held them in his, giving her a half smile as she squeezed them.

"I hate that you have to do this, you're still a kid in my eyes, you should be having fun and getting to play football but instead you're here helping me clean up the mess your father made."

"I'm doing this for you and Seojun, that's all you should be worrying about. I start my new schedule next week so I have time to find a babysitter, then we'll figure out what happens next."

"Okay, thank you love." Yeonjun nodded and pulled her down the hall.

He furrowed his brows as they left the hospital.

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