24. Neo

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 "Hey mom. I can't wait for you to wake up. There's so much you need to catch up on." I said to my sleeping mother. It's been five weeks since Markus found out he was pregnant. Dad's currently taking a nap while I have a private moment with mom. So far, there hasn't been a sign of her waking up anytime soon. Her condition hasn't declined or gotten better at all. Though we all have been copying with the situation. I now have an unborn child and mate to take care of.

"I miss you so much. You need to wake up so we can have family movie night again. Things haven't been the same without you around. I also want to show you the pictures of Markus's sonograms, so you can gush at the growth of your unborn grandchild." I know mom would be ecstatic to know Markus and I were expecting. I've also been putting off becoming Alpha, wanting her to see it for herself. Though I can't put it off for long. Dad deserves to be free from the responsibilities. I held mom's hand as I sat in silence for a while longer. The sound of the machines is the only thing filling the otherwise quiet room. I went to go back to my mate when dad came back in to take his place beside mom again.

"Hey Neo" Markus called out happily when I returned home. I noticed he had a bowl of ice cream in his hands.

"Hey sweetie. What you got there?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Markus has been eating a lot of sweets lately, so I took to calling him sweetie.

"Mint chocolate chip ice cream" he said dreamily, Taking another spoonful of the sweet into his mouth.

"Have you had any fruit today?" Markus nodded his head yes. "And that fruit would have been..."

"A bowl of sliced watermelon, strawberries, and peaches." he proudly stated.

"Good" I've allowed Markus to have his sweets as long as he had some sort of fruit during the day. I wanted to make sure he got the necessary nutrients so the baby can be strong and healthy.

"Oh! Can we have French toast with yogurt for lunch?" Markus excitedly asked.

"Of course, anything you want. We can even eat it in bed." Markus's eyes lit up at my response. For some reason, he really loved meals in bed. Markus bounced on his toes as he continued eating his sweet treat in joy.

I like seeing him happy. Nick sighed out.

I do too. It gives me the greatest pleasure to see a smile light up his face.

Do you think we could go for a run? I'd like to spend some time with Matt.

Of course. I would never deny letting my wolf spend some time with his mate.

"Hey sweetie" I called out to my joyous mate. He turned to give me his attention. His eyes were big and innocent looking.

"Yes?" he asked around a spoonful of ice cream.

"Would you like to let the wolves out for a run? Then we can have lunch after."

"Yes, absolutely! A run sounds amazing!" He exclaimed, jumping gleefully.

"Okay, finish your ice cream then we'll go." Markus then ate the rest of his ice cream at a quick pace. I chuckled at my mate's enthusiasm. He could be so adorable sometimes.

Nick's POV

I shook out my fur as my claws dug into the ground. I looked over to Matt to see him rolling around in the grass. I chuckled at my mate's playful antics. Matt was a beautiful wolf. His fur was a mix of gray and white. His left ear was white as well as the tip of his tail. He also had one white paw. I myself had a full dark brown coat. No other colors were mixed into it. Matt laid on his back with his tongue flopping out, panting. He looked to be in such a peaceful state. Time to ruin it.

I pounced on my unexpecting mate, being mindful of his pregnant belly. I didn't want to hurt our unborn pup. Matt let out a yelp of surprise before glaring at me. I gave him my charming wolfish smile in response. Matt just let out a disappointed huff before crawling out from underneath me. He turned around to give me a mischievous look before taking off into the trees. I chuckled before taking off after him.

We ran around together for a while before stopping at a pond for a quick drink. I gulped greedily at the water, exhausted after our playful run. Matt walked over to a tree, laying in the shade panting. I walked over to join him under the tree. I nuzzled his stomach before giving it a loving lick. I laid down next to him and curled into a protective position. We both fell asleep in each other's loving embrace.

I woke up a few minutes later, still curled up around my mate. I licked his fluffy head to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes, letting out a yawn as he stretched his body out.

Are you ready to head back? Our humans are going to want food soon. I told him through our private link.

Yeah, I'm starting to get hungry. Our pup wants some food. Matt responded.

Race you?

Oh, you're on! We then ran back towards our home. Matt was doing everything possible to beat me. I laughed in my head as we raced past the trees. I enjoyed the feel of the wind through my fur and the presence of my mate.

Haha! I beat you! Matt cried victoriously once we reached the house.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I huffed dramatically. I watched as Matt pranced around me happily. I laughed at my mate's silly antics. I gave him a loving lick on the cheek before we let out humans have control again.

Neo's POV

Once getting control back, I let Markus climb up the ladder before following him. I then went to the kitchen to quickly make a feast for lunch. I now had to fix for three instead of two. I topped the French toast with sliced strawberries and put some kiwi on the side with the yogurt. Markus looked at the food with hungry eyes, already drooling at the sight and smell.

I carried our meal up the stairs, then gave Markus his food once he was settled in bed. He made quick work of devouring his food, not wasting a second longer. He moaned in delight around the mouthfuls of food he shoveled into his mouth. I chuckled and joined him on the bed to eat. After we were done, we placed our empty dishes to the side. I would take care of them later. I, instead, pulled my mate into my arms and we cuddled as we watched t.v. together.

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